Project Sansar: A New Virtual World – Coming Soon

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Do you remember the 2003 virtual world MMORPG, Second Life? Perhaps not if you are young, but our older audience is most likely familiar with Second Life. Developed by Linden Lab, the game was a trending success where people entered a virtual world using their own avatars and interacted with other people. This may sound typical, but back then it was something huge, considering the limits of technology. 12 years have passed and to this day the game yet remains the centre of fascination for players, and source of profit for entrepreneurs.

In Second Life, people build businesses where they actually make millions of dollars, while others use it to market their products. During its release, it created a gold rush era, especially when it grabbed the attention of the business world in magazines like Business Week & Bloomberg Business. Its virtual world touched on every aspect of life that you can think of; from Religion, Art, and Science to Education, Relationship, and more. Second Life had an in-game currency called Linden Dollar which was used to buy, sell, rent, or trade property, goods, or services in the virtual world. The astonishing thing is that you can exchange your Linden Dollars for any other currency such as US Dollars, UK Pound, and any market-based currency.

Second Life – Excerpted from

Now Linden Lab is preparing for a new online virtual world dubbed Project Sansar. The great thing about Project Sansar is it will be accessible from mobile devices. With a whole new advanced avatar system, you can explore, build, socialize, and even apply a business model to profit from. We are very excited to see what this project turns out to be because Linden Lab is an absolute authority on virtual worlds and what they can create in today’s day and age will be far more superior than Second Life. This title is expected to launch in 2016 so it is not far from now but it will definitely be an exciting experience for all of us, especially that mobile devices will be powerful enough to run such a vast virtual world. Thanks to UploadVR, you can check a video interview with Second Life CEO Ebbe Altberg.