The -I.D.I.C- Fleet held it’s 4th Anniversary Gathering on Sunday the 5th of July 2014.

Several members were able to attend and as we traditionally do we all gathered a-top Mt Seleya on planet Vulcan in the Sirius Sector.

Many thanks to Iskara, Londi, CatStar, Obi and Siran’ger for coming to the event.

For those that could not attend here is a copy of my opening remarks.


Greetings friends, welcome to Vulcan.

This is the 4th Anniversary gathering of the -I.D.I.C- Fleet.

If you all could bare with me, I’d just like all to take a moment as the Chairman of the Guild Alliance to remember our fallen comrade Aurthree (R3).As many know Aurthree was a member of our Star Wars, The Old Republic guilds and he passed away almost 40 days ago.

In ancient tradition the 40 days after death are specially observed, and here in the 25th century we will do so again.I invite you all to stop for a moment at the Spock Memorial on your departure from Vulcan and spend a moment in respect of R3.

Obviously there are many of us missing from this gathering however those of us that do gather every year will remember the good times when we came together for -I.D.I.C- and many of us still do through the Guild Alliance.

As always I’d like to pay tribute to our past leaders and executive officers:
Londi, Kara, CatStar, Law Marshall and Neighty.

Our fleet Ambassador and colleagues:
Ingrid, Husker and Tony.

Our fleet officers and all our members over the years.And to those whom through the Guild Alliance maintain their ties in our other games, on FaceBook and social media, and our website and forums.

With the end to the Federation/Klingon war, the fleet has now been in stasis for 1.5 years and and in that time has progressed very little.Despite this we are still quite far along with our fleet projects and could recover from this stagnation very quickly.This is a testament to the generosity of our members, especially LawMarshall, Neighty and CatStar who have been considerable contributors over the years.

I say now that with the Iconion threat there may be an opportunity to revive the fleet. The Federation may call on us again.This however will be discussed before any decisions are made and you will all be kept advised.

Thank you all for coming out.

Live Long and Prosper.

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Here is an edited Transcript of the speeches made on the day:

-Plasma@-Plasma: ok then I’ll start

-Plasma@-Plasma: ***I’d just like to relay a message from Ingrid, she is unable to attend but sends her greetings.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Greetings friends, welcome to Vulcan.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Woohoo!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 cheers for -Plasma.

-Plasma@-Plasma: This is the 4th Anniversary gathering of the -I.D.I.C- Fleet.

-Plasma@-Plasma: If you all could bear with me, I’d just like all to take a moment as the Chairman of the Guild Alliance to remember our fallen comrade Aurthree (R3).

-Plasma@-Plasma: As many know Aurthree was a member of our Star Wars, The Old Republic guilds and he passed away almost 40 days ago.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: *bows

Iskara@Ishakar: *nods*

-Plasma@-Plasma: In ancient tradition the 40 days after death are specially observed, and here in the 25th century we will do so again.

-Plasma@-Plasma: I invite you all to stop for a moment at the Spock Memorial on your departure from Vulcan and spend a moment in respect of R3.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Live Long and Prosper.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 displays a Vulcan Salute.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Obviously there are many of us missing from this gathering however those of us that do gather every year will remember the good times when we came together for -I.D.I.C- and many of us still do

-Plasma@-Plasma: through the Guild Alliance.

-Plasma@-Plasma: As always I’d like to pay tribute to our past leaders and executive officers;

-Plasma@-Plasma: Londi, Kara, CatStar, Law Marshall and Neighty.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Our fleet Ambassador and colleagues;

-Plasma@-Plasma: Ingrid, Husker and Tony.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Our fleet officers and all our members over the years.

-Plasma@-Plasma: And to those who through the Guild Alliance maintain their ties in our other games, on Facebook and social media, and our website and forums.

-Plasma@-Plasma: With the end to the Federation/Klingon war, the fleet has now been in stasis for 1.5 years and in that time has progressed very little.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Despite this we are still quite far along with our fleet projects and could recover from this stagnation very quickly.

-Plasma@-Plasma: This is a testament to the generosity of our members, especially LawMarshall, Neighty and CatStar who have been considerable contributors over the years.

-Plasma@-Plasma: I say now that with the Iconian threat there may be an opportunity to revive the fleet. The Federation may call on us again.

-Plasma@-Plasma: This however will be discussed before any decisions are made and you will all be kept advised.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Thank you all for coming out.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Live Long and Prosper.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Live Long and Prosper.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 displays a Vulcan Salute.

Renee@kenobi624: Live Long and Prosper.

Renee@kenobi624 displays a Vulcan Salute.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Live Long and Prosper.

-Plasma@-Plasma displays a Vulcan Salute.

Siran’ger@Siranger: Live Long and Prosper.

Siran’ger@Siranger displays a Vulcan Salute.

Iskara@Ishakar: Live Long and Prosper.

Iskara@Ishakar displays a Vulcan Salute.

-Plasma@-Plasma: to you Londi

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Yeah!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 cheers for -Plasma.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: ty plasma

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: four years ago today that plasma and myself came from a failed fleet

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Plasma came up with idea of IDIC

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: and with that idea we had created a wonderful fleet

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: it was my first time being asked to become an executive officer of a fleet i know it was a heavy responsibility

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: but

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: lol

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: but

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: four years later we are still going strong across multiple games now so all of this is possible now thanks to plasma

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Hooray!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 cheers for -Plasma.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: for sto

Iskara@Ishakar: indeed 🙂 cheers !

-Plasma@-Plasma: TY

Renee@kenobi624: cheers

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: and i am going to yell now forgive me


Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Woohoo!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 cheers for Iskara.

James T Cat@Cat_Star: =O.O=

Iskara@Ishakar bows.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Yes!

-Plasma@-Plasma agrees with Iskara.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Yes!

-Plasma@-Plasma agrees with Londi Revan.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: because without the work of everyone the guilds would not exist over on TOR

Siran’ger@Siranger yells into the distance.

To Iskara@Ishakar: this is why i pre-write what I’m going to say, lol

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: but most of all KARA AND PLASMA ROCK

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Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Rock it!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 shreds on the air guitar.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: but above all

Iskara@Ishakar: yeah, i know, but is fine … i don’t mind waiting

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: i am glad to apart of such great people to play such great iconic games with  ty

-Plasma@-Plasma bows to Londi Revan.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 bows.

Iskara@Ishakar bows.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Thanks Londi

-Plasma@-Plasma: Would anyone else like to speak

-Plasma@-Plasma: *like

James T Cat@Cat_Star: yes

-Plasma@-Plasma: Over to you Cat 🙂

Iskara@Ishakar: just a few words, after Cat 🙂

James T Cat@Cat_Star: i would just like to say..

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Hooray!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 cheers for James T Cat.

-Plasma@-Plasma: lol

-Plasma@-Plasma: meow

-Plasma@-Plasma: meow

-Plasma@-Plasma: Im translating

-Plasma@-Plasma: the video

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: bark bark

Renee@kenobi624: lol

-Plasma@-Plasma: lol, over to you Kara

Siran’ger@Siranger: 🙂

Iskara@Ishakar: well … first of all i want to express my happiness of being again in here with you all 🙂

Iskara@Ishakar: and as Plas mentioned our old friends from here in the beginning, i want to mention some of our newer friends

Iskara@Ishakar: without whom, our legacy would not continue over time 🙂

Iskara@Ishakar: and those are: Master Fawser (Thefleetman) that helped us enormously for getting our Flagship in SWTOR

Iskara@Ishakar: Sunofson, Mel, Armada, Zez only to name a few

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Hooray!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 lets out a cheer!

Iskara@Ishakar: we should sometimes find a way to be able to have a gathering with everyone being able to be present

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: i agree

Iskara@Ishakar: thousands of years from now ….

-Plasma@-Plasma: lol

Siran’ger@Siranger: 🙂

Iskara@Ishakar: when the Federation, the Kingon Empire, the Iconians and others will be turned to dust …

-Plasma@-Plasma blows a kiss.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: i will raise you millions years lol…

Iskara@Ishakar: our scrolls were found on Rakkis III a remote planet in the outer rim

-Plasma@-Plasma: tlhIngan maH!

-Plasma@-Plasma dedicates a toast to Iskara.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: sorry

Iskara@Ishakar: and our children picked up what we have left to continue our Infinite legacy

Iskara@Ishakar: and they grew in numbers and developed something that many others joined on

Iskara@Ishakar: this is our legacy, and all this was possible thanks to Plasma and Londi that started all this 4 years ago

-Plasma@-Plasma bows to Iskara.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 sobs on Iskara’s shoulder.

Iskara@Ishakar: it was about 4 years ago when Londi recruited me in the space dock

Iskara@Ishakar: and i will never forget that day 🙂

Siran’ger@Siranger stands at attention.

Iskara@Ishakar: thank you for those 4 wonderful years 🙂

Iskara@Ishakar: cheers to you all!

-Plasma@-Plasma: tlhIngan maH!

-Plasma@-Plasma makes a toast.

Renee@kenobi624: cheers!

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: may i interupt Ms Kara

Siran’ger@Siranger: Here here

Iskara@Ishakar: Live Long and Prosper.

Iskara@Ishakar displays a Vulcan Salute.

Iskara@Ishakar: i finished 🙂

-Plasma@-Plasma: Live Long and Prosper.

-Plasma@-Plasma displays a Vulcan Salute.

Siran’ger@Siranger: Live Long and Prosper.

Siran’ger@Siranger displays a Vulcan Salute.

-Plasma@-Plasma: Thanks Kara

-Plasma@-Plasma: Does anyone else wish to speak?

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: no thank you Ms Kara for all the hard work you had put in the guilds in TOR

Iskara@Ishakar bows.

-Plasma@-Plasma: And with starting our fleet holding here as well

-Plasma@-Plasma: Okay then, we will conclude the speeches

-Plasma@-Plasma: Thanks all again for coming to our Ceremonial Embassy

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Live Long and Prosper.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 displays a Vulcan Salute.

Renee@kenobi624: thank you Plas

-Plasma@-Plasma: If those who would like to make their way to the Spock memorial, we will then decide what we all do next

-Plasma@-Plasma: Thank you for coming 🙂

Siran’ger@Siranger: Live Long and Prosper.

Siran’ger@Siranger displays a Vulcan Salute.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: SPOCK

James T Cat@Cat_Star: “Live long and Paws Purr.”  :3

Iskara@Ishakar: can you show me where the memorial is?

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: we must pay tribute

Londi Revan@JONAS1027: Live Long and Prosper.

Londi Revan@JONAS1027 gives a Vulcan Salute to Siran’ger.

-Plasma@-Plasma: you may have the Vulcan meditation emote now

Siran’ger@Siranger: Live Long and Prosper.

Siran’ger@Siranger displays a Vulcan Salute.

-Plasma@-Plasma: To R3

-Plasma@-Plasma: tlhIngan maH!

-Plasma@-Plasma makes a toast.

Iskara@Ishakar: to R3