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This week at Bungie, we’re working hard to fix what’s wrong with the Collector’s Editions for The Taken King. You’ve voiced your objections. We agree wholeheartedly. Now, our attention is focused on creating solutions. These things take time, so pardon our silence these past few days. In moments like these, actions speak louder than words.
In developing The Taken King, one of our goals has been to celebrate you and your triumphs. E3 was a place to reveal the new adventures we hope to send you on, but our conversations there didn’t do justice to our plans to honor your legacy.
Don’t take it from me. Here are some words from Luke Smith:
I am Luke Smith, Creative Director on Destiny: The Taken King.
Many, many years ago, I wrote to you each week in this spot. We talked about Battle Rifles, we talked about stuff we weren’t going to talk about, and at some point I did a horrible hand-drawing of an upcoming map and teased you with it in the Weekly Update.
Anyone who knows me knows I can be sarcastic, anyone who remembers podcasts I’ve done knows that I can be pretty blunt, and anyone who’s watched me in a ViDoc knows I’m pretty unpolished.
However, most of you don’t know me.
Reading my interview with Eurogamer and imagining it came from some random developer of a game I love – that random developer looks like an Asshat.
But that Asshat was me – and those words rightfully anger you.
I’m sorry.
My words made it sound as if Bungie doesn’t care about their most loyal fans.
We do care. We are listening. And we will make it right.
Here’s what we’re doing about the Collector’s Edition of Destiny: The Taken King…
We’re actively working to make the digital content from the Collector’s Edition available in a $20 upgrade bundle (suggested retail price), available on 9/15/2015. If you purchase a stand-alone version of Destiny: The Taken King, or already have, you’ll be able to pick up the digital items as soon as they are available.
The Taken King Collector’s Edition Digital Content consists of: (3) Class Specific Emotes, (3) Armor Shaders, and (3) Exotic Class Items with XP Bonuses.
If you have decided to pick up the Legendary Edition of Destiny: The Taken King at retail, you can also elect to pick this up if you want to upgrade into a Collector’s Edition.
If you purchased the existing Digital Collector’s Edition, and you already owned Destiny and both expansion packs, we’ll have some additional information for you soon.
If you want to get caught up on all of the options available for Destiny: The Taken King, you can view the details here. (Note: You won’t see the Collector’s Edition Upgrade we described above, yet. We’re working on it.)
For those looking for a little more context about Emotes and Class Items in The Taken King, we will be introducing new Class Items with stat attributes. These will provide players with another gear slot that can contribute to both your Guardian’s look and build preferences. The Class Items included in the Collector’s Edition are a welcome addition for players looking to level up newborn Guardians or fresh subclasses, but they are not the only new Class Items available in Destiny: The Taken King. This is part of our focus on making the game more rewarding and adding more variety options for players. The same goes for Emotes.
So, that’s what we’re doing about the Collector’s Edition. Here are some other questions, and answers, about some other topics many of you care about.

“Hey, I have Destiny and all its expansions. Do I really have to buy stuff I already own to play The Taken King?”
The Digital Download is for existing players who already own Destiny and both expansion packs, and are ready to jump straight into The Taken King this September.

“Hey, I’ve been here since day one. What do I get?”
If you already have a Light Level 30 Guardian, or if you’ve picked up and played both The Dark Below and House of Wolves, then you’re a VIP in The Tower’s book. They’ll reward you accordingly with a victory lap that will include a permanently exclusive set of items.

When you stride through the Tower, people are going to ask you where you got those wonderful toys. You’ll nod and let them know you earned them. It’s a Year One thing, and they just wouldn’t understand. And they won’t ever be able to get their hands on their own set.

And we’ll have more fun stuff for you to announce in the very short term future, just for you.
Thanks for caring enough to sound off. We heard the feedback, loud and clear. We’ll talk more soon.

To be continued…
This is part 1 of 2 of the Bungie Weekly Update. Tune in tomorrow for the usual fanfare, including a report from our friends on the Destiny Player Support team, the Movie of the Week, and more.
DeeJ, out. For now.

Bungie Weekly Update – Part Two

In Part One of the Bungie Weekly Update we revealed fresh new details about Collector’s Editions and veterans of the Tower laid eyes on what they’ll look like this September.
If you’re looking for more news about The Taken King, we’ve got plans to roll it all out in depth and in style. If you have questions about which version is right for you, browse the selections here.
Scroll on if you want to learn about other studio machinations that impact the playable now.

Established in ‘04
The fully-functional clubhouse of the Bungie Community is a constant target of tender loving care. There are developers at Bungie who focus all their creative efforts on the Destiny Companion – a place born of our website and/or your mobile device. You are here.
Here are some of the enhancements they’re delivering in the near term.
Yesterday Profile Status Update:
Further customize your identity. Set a profile “status” for your friends and followers to see. Easily check the status of your friends and people you’re following on the Friends tab. Set the status on your profile page or directly from the Friends tab.
Android Update
Further customize your identity. Set a profile “status” for your friends and followers to see. Easily check the status of your friends and people you’re following on the Friends tab. Use the new Advisor Widget to see Weekly Missions, when they complete, reset, and what skulls they have! Improved Friends List – Now easier to re-authenticate with PSN and XBOX to see platform friends. Also, your clan roster is now available in the friends tab.
[And, yes, my iPhone-wielding friends, all of this is coming soon to iOS, too.]
Bungie [Community] Day
You’ll find out on 07/07.

Guiding Light
For the Destiny Player Support team, keeping you connected and well-informed is job number one. They make an appearance in every Weekly Update to point at their works. They can always be found in the #Help forum.
DPS: With the announcement of the Red Bull Quest, we’ve added a few new Guided Support articles to help you along the way. You can check them out on the Guided Support landing page. If you encounter any issues with your Red Bull codes, be sure to speak with Red Bull customer support for the best results.
We are aware that the Doubles Grimoire card is not properly unlocking for some players when accessing the Doubles activity in the Crucible. We’re currently investigating the matter.
Finally, please see our Taken King pre-purchase FAQ for all available information on purchasing the Taken King or the Legendary Edition. Stay tuned for further updates!
On the Engineering side, we’re seen some great success for the Connection Recovery feature that keeps Guardians with intermittent Internet connections in the fight. Ever since we put the new functionality into effect, 4.8 million Guardians have been rescued from being kicked to orbit.
Keep on playing, and we’ll keep enhancing the tech that keeps your feet on the ground of your favorite destinations.

Special Features
This has been widely reported and shared around while we were at E3, but it deserves top honors where we celebrate the best of our community. Sometimes, the movie of the week is a fanciful display of action and adventure. On this occasion, it’s far more somber, but undeniable evidence of the fact that players of Destiny are bound to each other by more than a game.
On June 8th 2015 we lost a friend, and fellow dad to Cystic Fibrosis, Joshua R. Stokell.
We will miss you sir and may you “Find the Clearing at the end of the path….”
Friends of Joshua, along with other people in this fine community, will be playing some games in his honor during a 36-hour marathon. We think he’d be as humbled and inspired as we are by this act of remembrance. They’re raising awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. They’re also raising money to fund research. We’re contributing some loot for them to share with viewers. #blacksmith
Tune in and participate on Twitch. Follow the @dadsofdestiny for updates.
The events that led to this moment are sad. The response from the community is amazing, and of little surprise. The heroes in the world of Destiny are the players.
On a personal note, I have been three times now to E3. This last one felt like my first as a Community Manager. It was amazing to meet so many of you, and hear your stories. If you were one of the people in line to enter our booth, or you caught up to me on the convention floor to tell me why you love Destiny, I thank you. We’ve had a great year together and I hope that party continues.
Thanks for being awesome, whether you were able to infiltrate the Los Angeles Convention Center, or you watched from afar.
We’ll talk more next week.
DeeJ, out.