Star Trek Online: Tales of the War #9

By LaughingTrendy
Tue 16 Jun 2015 12:00:00 PM PDT

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“Your interest in these mortals is disturbing.”

T’Ket was angry again. Her passion had always been an essential part of the Whole, but conflict had turned passion for vengeance to irrational hatred.

L’Miren thought she understood. The mortal known as Kahless had wounded T’Ket, both in body and soul. T’Ket’s belief in her own strength had been shaken. Only blood would salve the pain she felt.

“I seek to understand them,” L’Miren replied. “They have proven … more resilient than we thought.”

“We were foolish to rely on intermediaries,” T’Ket replied. “Hakeev was useless. Gaul a failure. We should have sent our Heralds to destroy these insects centuries ago.”

“Why?” L’Miren asked. “We are eternal. They are fragile things, beholden to time. In the end, whether our victory comes today or tomorrow makes no difference.”

“I tire of this,” T’Ket responded. “Let us destroy them and be done with it.”

“If we destroy them, we will rule over a galaxy of ghosts. Leaders must have those who would be led.”

“We have our Heralds and servitors,” T’Ket argued. “That is enough.”

L’Miren considered her words for a long moment before she spoke. She must be careful not to inflame T’Ket’s rage even further. “There was a time when we wanted to help the lesser races,” she said at last. “They were not ready for all of our gifts, but they could benefit from our guidance.”

“And they repaid our generosity with destruction!” T’Ket argued. “The Whole was shattered. Our world lost. And I will have payment for every drop of blood that has been spilled.”

“But the Other …” L’Miren began.

“Now you speak of ghosts,” T’Ket interrupted. “The Other has not been seen since the Day of Fire. We honor the memory of the Other, just as we honor all that was lost in unjust flames.”

“The Other is still a part of us,” L’Miren said. “The Whole must be as One.”