Star Trek Online: House Pegh Now Live!

By LaughingTrendy
Thu 11 Jun 2015 08:00:00 AM PDT


Last week’s reward for the Featured Episode “House Pegh” was the Point Blank Shot Space Trait. The final reward is The Best Defense Starship Trait. In addition, the first completion of “House Pegh” on an account this week gives a Featured Episode Weekly Reward box. The weekly reward box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point box, which gives the character it is opened on a Specialization Point. The weekly reward box, tech upgrade, and specialization point box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point box requires the opening character to be level 50 or above to use.

The Best Defense causes your Attack Patterns to give you a 20% bonus to Hull Healing for 10 seconds. This buff does not apply to Attack Pattern Alpha, and will always benefit you, no matter the pattern’s target. The Hull Healing buff benefits from Starship Attack Patterns.

All three traits will remain as selectable rewards on “House Pegh” once it is added to the normal Episode list. The Featured Episode Weekly Reward box will not be acquirable by running “House Pegh” once this week is over. Make sure not to miss out!

Jon “Crypticrock” Steady
Systems Designer
Star Trek Online

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