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In the previous Pilot Ship introduction blog we revealed the new pilot ship type and the Pilot Maneuvers mechanic. This blog will cover these ships’ stats, console abilities, set bonuses and their starship traits.


Pilot ships will be made available in the C-Store soon. These starships have three variants per faction and are available in three ways:

  • Individually (3000 ZEN each)
  • Faction bundles of all three variants (6000 ZEN each)
  • A Super bundle that includes all three variants for all three factions (12000 ZEN)

Please Note: Captains who purchase single ships will be unable to purchase bundles containing that ship.

Pilot Ship Stats

Starfleet Pilot Escort Variants

The dramatic flight maneuvers of groups such as Red Squadron have always been a place for pilots at Starfleet Academy to show off their skills, but dramatic maneuvers and quick changes in position aren’t always possible at the helm of a massive starship. To find a balance between speed and firepower, a ship design team at Utopia Planitia has created a line of starships for pilot commanders. These small, nimble ships have the power needed to take on even the mighty Heralds, but the speed needed to escape danger in an instant.

This Tier 6 starship is an engineering centric variant of the Pilot Escort. It features more engineering console slots and higher-rank engineering bridge officer seats than the other Pilot Escort variants.

  • Tier 6
  • Mininum Rank: Vice Admiral
  • Hull Strength: 33,465 at level 50 and 38,800 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.05
  • Crew: 45
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 20
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.24
  • Inertia: 75
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Console – Universal – Subspace Eddy
  • Pilot Maneuvers
  • Starship Ability Package (Escort/Raptor)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Structural Integrity Overcharge (Starship Trait)

This Tier 6 starship is a science centric variantof the Pilot Escort. It features more science console slots and higher-rank science bridge officer seats than the other Pilot Escort variants.

  • Tier 6
  • Mininum Rank: Vice Admiral
  • Hull Strength: 33,465 at level 50 and 38,800 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.05
  • Crew: 45
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 4 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 20
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.24
  • Inertia: 75
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Console – Universal – Spatial Sinkhole Generator
  • Pilot Maneuvers
  • Starship Ability Package (Escort/Raptor)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Subwarp Sheath (Starship Trait)

The Mercury Class is a Tier 6 tactical-centric variant of the Pilot Escort. It features a more balanced console slot configuration and boasts higher-rank tactical bridge officer seats than other Pilot Escort variants.

  • Tier 6
  • Mininum Rank: Vice Admiral
  • Hull Strength: 33,465 at level 50 and 38,800 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.05
  • Crew: 45
  • Fore Weapons: 5
  • Aft Weapons: 2
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Commander Tactical/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science/Pilot, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 20
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.24
  • Inertia: 75
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Console – Universal – Microprojectile Barrage Launcher
  • Pilot Maneuvers
  • Starship Ability Package (Escort/Raptor)
    • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
    • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
    • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+Weapon Damage)
    • Devastating Weaponry (+Critical Chance)
    • Stay On Target (Starship Trait)

Pilot Ship Consoles

Each of the above Pilot Ships is equipped with a universal console. Below is a summary of what each of these consoles do:

Console – Universal – Subspace Eddy

Pilot Escorts can equip a Subspace Eddy console that leaves a powerful subspace current behind the ship. The eddy pulls other vessels along in the wake of the ship’s trail and also inflicts a small amount of kinetic damage on the hull due to the crushing force of the current.

This console also provides a passive boost to your resistance to -speed and -turn rate effects that scales with your throttle level.

This console may be equipped on any Pilot Escort, Pilot Raptor or Pilot Warbird, but can be put into any of their console slots.
You may only equip one of these consoles.

Console – Universal – Spatial Sinkhole Generator

The Icarus, Klavek and Jaeih class Pilot ships come equipped with a Spatial Sinkhole Generator that creates a spatial sinkhole directly along the ship’s forward line. A Spatial Sinkhole creates a tremendous amount of graviton shear, which increases hull pressure on nearby ships and draws them in toward the phenomenon, much like other forms of gravity wells. Ships affected by this phenomenon suffer immense pressure on their hulls, which reduces their Damage Resistance, as the hull tends to buckle under any additional strain.

This console also provides a moderate passive boost to Exotic damage.

This console may be equipped on any Pilot Escort, Pilot Raptor or Pilot Warbird, but can be put into any of their console slots. You may only equip one of these consoles.

Console – Universal – Microprojectile Barrage Launcher

The Mercury, Kortar and Okhala class Pilot ships come equipped with a Microprojectile Barrage Launchers that launch swarms of kinetic missiles against up to 5 foes in a 90 degree arc in front of you for a short period of time. Unlike standard projectiles, these do not need a target, as they will automatically lock on to any target in the arc of fire. Enemies that are hit will be knocked away by the explosion and spun slightly in a random direction.

This console also provides a moderate passive boost projectile weapon damage.

This console may be equipped on any Pilot Escort, Pilot Raptor or Pilot Warbird, but can be put into any of their console slots. You may only equip one of these consoles.

Piloting Modifications Console Set

This console set consists of the following consoles:

  • Console – Universal – Subspace Eddy (Ajax, Qui’Tu and Khaiell classes)
  • Console – Universal – Spatial Sinkhole Generator (Icarus, Klavek and Jaeih classes)
  • Console – Universal – Microprojectile Barrage Launcher (Mercury, Kortar and Okhala classes)

Equipping consoles from this set will unlock 2 and 3 piece set bonuses:

Redline Piloting Modifications (2 piece)

  • +Critical Severity
  • +Accuracy
  • +Recharge Reduction to Pilot Bridge Officer abilities

Pilot Modification Synergy (3 piece)

  • +Cannon and Turret Weapon Damage
  • Improved Console Abilities
    • Spatial Sinkhole: Extends range of pull
    • Subspace Eddy: Leaves longer series of eddies
    • Microprojectile Barrage: Adds short disable to hits from microprojectiles

Starship Traits

Reaching starship mastery level 5 in any of the above Pilot ships will unlock a new starship trait. Below is a summary of these starship traits:

Structural Integrity Overcharge

After reaching level 5 in the Ajax, Qui’Tu or Khaiell class Pilot ship’s starship mastery, you will unlock the Structural Integrity Overcharge starship trait. While this trait is slotted, you will gain bonus hull regeneration based on how high you set your base (unmodified) engine power.

Subwarp Sheath

After reaching level 5 in the Icarus, Klavek or Jaeih class Pilot ship’s starship mastery, you will unlock the Subwarp Sheath starship trait. While this trait is slotted, you will gain armor penetration with all weapons (amount based on your speed).

Stay On Target

After reaching level 5 in the Mercury, Kortar or Okhala class Pilot ship’s starship mastery, you will unlock the Stay On Target starship trait. While this trait is slotted, keeping your current target in your forward 90 degree arc causes your ship to autofire a microtorpedo every few seconds.



Pilot Maneuvers


Q: How frequently can I use a Pilot Maneuver?

A: After using a Pilot Maneuver, there will be a short time (measured in seconds not minutes) before you can perform another one.

Q: Can I disable double tap to perform a Pilot Maneuver?

A: Yes. You will be able to disable the double tap feature on the Pilot Maneuver UI.
From the same UI you can manually perform these maneuvers if you wish.

Q:Are there any restrictions to using Pilot Maneuvers?

A: Yes. These Tactical Maneuvers are disabled while your engines are offline, you are cloaked, or you are under the effects of skills such as Eject Warp Plasma, Gravity Well, and Tractor Beam

NOTE: The stats and features of the above ships are all subject to change.

Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Lead Systems Designer
Star Trek Online