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We will be running a special weekend event where you can earn bonus Dilithium Ore by playing content throughout the game! The Dilithium Ore event runs from 9am PDT Thursday, April 30th until 10am PDT Monday, May 4th, 2015. During the event, bonus Dilithium Ore will be provided for the following content:

  • Vlugta Asteroid Field:
    • 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions
    • 100% Bonus to all Rich Dilithium Claims
  • Fleet Dilithium Mine:
    • 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions
  • Everywhere else in the game
    • 50% Bonus Dilithium Ore
  • Dilithium rewards from completing Event Reputation Projects no longer receive a bonus.
    • The dilithium you earn for completing a reputation system will no longer receive a bonus.


We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you in-game!