Xindi Terrestrial Lockbox and Lobi Ships

By LaughingTrendy
Mon 20 Apr 2015 12:00:00 PM PDT


The Iconians have revealed themselves. The arrival of their Heralds signals the start of a war that will decide the fate of the galaxy. Now the remaining races of the Xindi Council understand that isolation in the Delphic Expanse will not save them from destruction. If the Iconian armadas wish to subjugate the Milky Way, first they will have to face the full might of the five Xindi species.

The Olean is a significantly updated model of the Xindi-Insectoid Escorts encountered during the Xindi Crisis in the mid 22nd Century. The Tier 6 Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier isn’t as fast or nimble as similar ships in its class, but it makes up for this with additional durability, powerful shields and the ability to launch fighter craft.

The Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier features two specialist seats: 1 Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot seat and 1 Lieutenant Commander Science/Command seat.

The Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier has a single hangar bay equipped with Xindi-Insectoid Castroi Fighters.
These light craft are equipped with Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Arrays and Quantum Torpedoes.
They can also use the Emergency Power to Shields I ability.

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: All
  • Rank Required: Rear Admiral / Brigadier General / Sub Admiral I
  • Availability: Xindi Terrestrial Lockbox
  • Hull Strength: 33,000 at level 40, 37,950 at level 50, 44,000 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.15
  • Crew: 180
  • Weapons: 4 Fore, 3 Aft
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical/Pilot, 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science/Command, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 14.5 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.18
  • Inertia: 60
  • +10 Weapon Power, +5 to Shield Power and +5 to Auxiliary Power
  • Can Equip Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bays loaded with Xindi-Insectoid Castro Fighters
  • Console – Universal – Infectious Bio-Matter Generator
  • Starship Ability Package (Escort Carrier)
    • Precise Weapon Systems
    • Tactical Maneuvering
    • Quick Deployment
    • Devastating Weaponry
    • Council of Thought (Starship Trait)

Console – Universal – Infectious Bio-Matter Generator

The swarming bio-matter generated by this incubator has a rudimentary animal-like level of intelligence. It has been engineered to seek out enemies in space combat, in an effort to degenerate their ships’ hull capacity and maneuverability. It is loaded into a projectile casing for delivery, intended to impact against an enemy’s hull with explosive force before delivering the biological payload.

This universal console also provides a passive buff to your Kinetic and Physical Damage Resistance Rating.

This Console Mod can be equipped only on Xindi starships, in any console slot. You may only equip one of these mods.

Council of Thought (Starship Trait)

After reaching level 5 in the Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier’s Starship Mastery you will unlock the Council of Thought starship trait. While slotted, you will benefit from the awareness offered by having coordinated allies nearby, gaining increased Defense and Damage Resistance for each ally within 10km.

The Ateleth is a heavily updated and more advanced version of the Xindi-Primate warships encountered during the Xindi Crisis in the mid 22nd Century. While the Ateleth is classified as a Dreadnought Cruiser due to its capabilities, it is smaller and more agile than most ships within this class.

This starship features two specialist seats: 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Intel seat and 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command seat.

The Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser has a single hangar bay equipped with Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy Fighters.
These light craft are equipped with Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Arrays, Quantum Torpedo Launchers and can use the Scratch the Paint, Fire at Will I and Jam Sensors I abilities.

  • Tier: 6
  • Faction: All
  • Rank Required: Rear Admiral / Brigadier General / Sub Admiral I
  • Availability: Lobi Store
  • Hull Strength: 40,500 at level 40, 46,575 at level 50, 54,000 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.2
  • Crew: 1400
  • Weapons: 4 Fore, 4 Aft
  • Device Slots: 4
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering/Intel, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Command
  • Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 9 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 35
  • +5 to All Power
  • Can load Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bays loaded with Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy Fighters
  • Console – Universal – Subspace Kemocite Deployment
  • Cruiser Communications Array
    • Command – Attract Fire
    • Command – Weapon System Efficiency
  • Starship Mastery Package (Dreadnought Cruiser)
    • Rapid Repairs
    • Enhanced Plating
    • Devastating Weaponry
    • Armored Hull
    • Superweapon Ingenuity(Starship Trait)

Console – Universal – Subspace Kemocite Deployment

The Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser comes equipped with a Subspace Kemocite Deployment console. While equipped, you will be able to coordinate a strike via subspace vortex, using this unique beacon technology conceptualized by the Xindi-Arboreals. This beacon will open a subspace vortex through which a swarm of kemocite-tipped warheads will be launched at nearby foes. Though their targeting is a bit imprecise, their considerable payload should make up for it.

This universal console provides a passive bonus to maximum shields and reduces all damage dealt to shields by a small amount.

This Console Mod can be equipped in any console slot. It may be equipped on any Xindi ship. You may only equip one of these mods.

Superweapon Ingenuity (Starship Trait)

After reaching level 5 in the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser’s Starship Mastery you will unlock the Superweapon Ingenuity starship trait. While slotted, activating Beam: Overload I, II or III firing mode, you will be granted an extra charge of Beam: Overload I, allowing you to fire two massive blasts of energy back-to-back.
Superweapon Ingenuity can be triggered once every 30 seconds.

Experimental Weaponry Set

This four piece set includes the consoles from the previous Xindi lockbox and the two new consoles found on the Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier and the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser.
Below are the four universal consoles in this set:

  • Console – Universal – Cascade Resonance Catalyst
    • Found on the Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier
  • Console – Xindi Weapon Platform
    • Found on the Xindi-Reptilian Contortrix Escort
  • Console – Infectious Bio-Matter Generator
    • Found on the Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier
  • Console – Subspace Kemocite Deployment
    • Found on the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser

Set Bonuses

  • Experimental Weaponry (2 piece)
    • +Impulse Speed
    • +Resistance to Inertia Debuffs
    • Xindi Weapon Platform gains:
      • +Hit Points
      • +Defense
      • +Bonus Damage
  • Swarm Efficiency (3 piece)
    • All Xindi Hangar Pets within 10km gain Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons
  • Diversification (4 piece)
    • Reduce recharge of all Xindi Console abilities, whenever a Xindi Console is used.

New Xindi Hangar Pets

Each of the new Xindi starships come with a single hangar bay loaded with a new type of Xindi hangar pet.
Below is an introduction to these new hangar pets and their availability.

Xindi-Insectoid Castroi Fighters

These fighter pets are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own the Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier or the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser.
These fighters are useable on any Xindi starship with a hangar bay.

Xindi-Insectoid Castroi Fighter

  • Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Fighter by default
  • Weapons
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
    • 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
  • Abilities
    • Emergency Power to Shields I

Advanced Xindi-Insectoid Castroi Fighter

  • Availability: Dilithium Store
  • Weapons
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
    • 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
  • Abilities
    • Emergency Power to Shields II
    • Scratch the Paint

Elite Xindi-Insectoid Castroi Fighter

  • Availability: Fleet hangar pet store
  • Weapons
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
    • 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Turret (Aft)
  • Abilities
    • Emergency Power to Shields II
    • Scratch the Paint
    • Beam: Fire at Will I

These fighter pets are unlocked in their stores listed below as long as you own the Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier or the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser.
These heavy fighters are useable on any Xindi starship with a hangar bay.

Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy Fighter

  • Availability: EC Store, comes equipped on the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser by default
  • Weapons
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
    • 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Aft)
  • Abilities
    • Scratch the Paint
    • Beam: Fire at Will I
    • Jam Sensors I

Advanced Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy Fighter

  • Availability: Dilithium Store
  • Weapons
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
    • 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Aft)
  • Abilities
    • Scratch the Paint
    • Beam: Fire at Will II
    • Jam Sensors II
    • Torpedo Spread I

Elite Xindi-Primate Nusuti Heavy Fighter

  • Availability: Fleet hangar pet store
  • Weapons
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Fore)
    • 1x Quantum Torpedo Launcher (Fore)
    • 1x Plasmatic Biomatter Beam Array (Aft)
  • Abilities
    • Scratch the Paint
    • Beam: Fire at Will III
    • Jam Sensors II
    • Torpedo Spread II

Proponents of clean energy among the Malon have signed an agreement with the Lobi Consortium to get the Alpha Quadrant technology they need to safely dispose of the vast amounts of theta radiation generated as waste by Malon antimatter reactors. In exchange, the Malon are providing a supply of Malon Battlecruisers. These ships have been retrofitted by the Lobi Consortium to be safe for use in populated systems and are now available to ship commanders in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

  • Tier 5 (Can be upgraded to T5-U)
  • Faction: All
  • Rank Required: Rear Admiral / Brigadier General / Sub Admiral I
  • Availability: Xindi Terrestrial Lock Box
  • Hull Strength: 39,600
  • Shield Modifier: 1
  • Crew: 450
  • Weapons:
    4 Fore, 4 Aft
  • Device Slots: 3
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Ensign Universal
  • Console Modifications: 2 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 6 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 30
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Cruiser Communications Array
    • Command – Strategic Maneuvering
    • Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
    • Command – Weapon System Efficiency

When the Malon Battlecruiser is upgraded to T5-U with a Starship Upgrade Requisition it gains the following improvements:

  • Hull Strength: 45,540 at level 50 and 52,800 at level 60
  • +1 Science Console Slot
  • Starship Mastery Package (Battlecruiser)
    • Absorptive Plating
    • Enhanced Weapon Banks
    • Enhanced Hull Plating
    • Armored Hull

The Xindi-Insectoid and Xindi-Primate ships each feature a new bridge!

NOTE: The above stats for all ships are subject to change.

Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Lead Systems Designer
Star Trek Online

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