Iconian Resistance Reputation


By LaughingTrendy
Tue 07 Apr 2015 01:00:00 PM PDT


The Iconian Resistance is an alliance comprised of forces throughout the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrants. These three forces have banded together to create a unified front against the Iconians and their servitor races. Their sole purpose is to prevent the Iconians from subjugating our galaxy once more.

This new reputation will become available with Season 10’s release and will feature all new traits, kit modules, space equipment sets and a ground equipment set.


Increasing your standing with the Iconian Resistance will require the submission of Iconian Marks. These can be earned by completing repeatable queued events featuring Iconian Heralds, such as: Gateway to Gre’thor, Brotherhood of the Sword and The Herald Sphere. Each of these missions allow for scaling rewards, increasing the amount of Iconian Marks received if you are able to perform above expectations and/or complete bonus objectives.

Iconian Probe Datacores can also be earned by participating in the Advanced and Elite versions of any queued event which rewards Iconian Marks. Iconian Probe Datacores recovered from the wreckage of Iconian Probes have revealed a great deal about the strengths and weaknesses of the Iconians and their Heralds. High-end gear projects will require a small amount of Iconian Probe Datacores in order to claim the best equipment that the Iconian Resistance has to offer. They may also be submitted to the Iconian Resistance in return for Dilithium Ore.


Iconian Marks and Iconian Probe Datacores can be submitted for both Reputation XP and new, high-quality gear acquisitions. Here are a few examples of the items that can be earned by advancing your standing with the Iconian Resistance:

Iconian Resistance (Space Set – 4 Pieces)

  • Iconian Resistance Deflector Array Mk XII
    • The Iconian Resistance Deflector Array is designed to defend against the Iconians and their Herald servants. Its primary modes enhance shield and hull strength, while mitigating structural damage caused by kinetic impacts.
  • Iconian Resistance Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII
    • This engine is modified to reduce incoming damage when traveling at full throttle. It has a higher base speed and turn rate compared to standard Combat engines.
  • Iconian Resistance Resilient Shield Array Mk XII
    • Iconian Resistance Resilient Shield Arrays offer a high shield capacity coupled with the ability to reduce and absorb incoming energy damage. These shields continually run an internal sensor sweep, periodically removing debuffs.
  • Iconian Resistance Hyper Injection Warp Cores Mk XII
    • Matter/Antimatter Core:
      This Warp Core incorporates appropriated Iconian technology, regenerating Hull and Shields when traveling at Full Impulse and significantly reducing Transwarp recharge times.
      NOTE: This Warp Core cannot be equipped on Romulan Warbirds.
    • Singularity Core: This Singularity Core incorporates appropriated Iconian technology, regenerating Hull and Shields when traveling at Full Impulse and significantly reducing Transwarp recharge times.
      NOTE: This Warp Core can only be equipped on Romulan Warbirds.

Below are the set bonuses for this new space equipment set:

Iconian Resistance Elite Set Bonuses (Space)

  • Enhanced Shield Distribution (2 piece) – Enhancement
    • Receive a shield healing over time effect after using Distribute Shields.
      This bonus shield heal effect can be triggered once every 30 seconds.
  • Energy Augmentation Actuator (3 piece) – Passive
    • When using energy weapons you have a small chance to boost your team’s energy damage by a small amount for a short time.
      This effect stacks up to 3 times.
  • Radiant Subatomic Field (4 piece) – Click
    • When activated, this ability provides a modest boost to damage, maximum hull hit points, and flight speed for your entire team for 30 seconds.

Iconian Resistance Ordnance Set

  • Console – Universal – Sustained Radiant Field Mk XII
    • The Sustained Radiant Field console was designed to give a substantial tactical advantage to ships it is equipped on. It enhances damage output of all ship weapons, while enhancing the effect of Hull and Shield restoring powers.
  • Advanced Radiant Antiproton Directed Energy Weapons Mk XII
    • Beam Array – Advanced Radiant Antiproton Beam Arrays have a high innate Critical Severity, as well as a chance to provide a small amount of Temporary Hit Points. Additionally, they continually reduce their recharge rates the more they are fired.
    • Dual Heavy Cannon – Advanced Radiant Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons have a high innate Critical Severity, as well as a chance to provide a small amount of Temporary Hit Points. Additionally, they continually reduce their recharge rates the more they are fired.
  • Advanced Radiant Quantum Torpedo Launcher Mk XII
    • Advanced Radiant Quantum torpedoes have an innate bonus to Critical Severity, a chance on hit to provide a small amount of Temporary Hit Points, and can cause radiation damage to chain to up to two additional targets.

Below are the set bonuses for this new space equipment set:

Radiant Armaments Set Bonuses

  • Reinforced Radiant Field Projector (2 piece) – Passive
    • Improves Starship Structural Integrity Skill
    • Improves Temporary Hit Points provided by Radiant Field Projector procs
  • Advanced Radiant Hypercharge (3 piece) – Click
    • Your Advanced Radiant Antiproton weapon fires an extremely powerful blast that deals additional damage if the target is below 50% hull.
      This bonus damage increases as the target’s health decreases.

Iconian Resistance Elite (Ground Set – 3 Pieces)

  • Iconian Resistance Armor Mk XII
    • The Iconian Resistance Armor provides excellent energy, kinetic and antiproton resistance. Additionally, the advanced materials and circuitry of this armor increase the health of the user. It is equipped with a Mobility Field Generator to reactively make the user immune to Roots, Holds and Knockbacks when low on health.
  • Iconian Resistance Personal Shield Mk XII
    • The Iconian Resistance Personal Shield is an advanced form of protective energy screen technology. It offers a high shield capacity and enhanced resistances to better withstand Herald assaults. This shield will periodically engage emergency decontamination protocols to remove debuffs. Should the wearer be struck by Physical damage, there is a chance a pulse of force will blast enemies away and cause a minor amount of kinetic damage.
  • Iconian Resistance Pulsewave Assault Mk XII
    • The Iconian Resistance Pulsewave Assault fires bursts of Radiant Antiproton energy, and is capable of building up Radiant Charges with its primary fire mode. Once enough charges are built up, the secondary fire is capable of consuming charges to cause the secondary fire mode to recharge very quickly.

Below are the set bonuses for this new space equipment set:

Iconian Resistance Elite Set Bonuses (Ground)

  • Reinforced Combat Circuitry (2 piece) – Passive
    • +Max Hit Points
    • +Armor Penetration
  • Radiant Subatomic Field (3 piece) – Click
    • Activating this ability provides a modest boost to your team’s damage, maximum hit points, and run speed for 30 seconds.

In addition to these equipment sets, advancing through the tiers of the Iconian Resistance Reputation will unlock access to a large array of Radiant Antiproton energy weapons, and Radiant Quantum Torpedoes. Three unique Kit Modules will also be included in the Reputation. Each is restricted to a single Profession.

Kit Modules

  • Tactical – Security Kit Module – Photonic Overcharge Mk XII
    • Provides a boost to your critical severity and causes your weapon attacks to deal additional damage as shield penetrating radiation damage.
  • Engineering – Fabrication Kit Module – Photonic Barrier Generator Mk XII
    • Creates a Photonic Barrier that applies a moderate amount of Temporary Hit Points every few seconds and provides a modest boost to your damage resistance.
  • Science – Research Kit Module – Photonic Overload Mk XII
    • Cone AoE attack that deals radiation damage, reduces perception and damage to affected targets.


No reputation would be complete without a new suite of ground and space traits.
The Iconian Resistance reputation introduces the following new traits:

Tier 1 – Ground

  • Energized Nanites (Passive)
    • Receive a portion of your outgoing damage as healing to you.
  • Personal Energy Amplifier (Passive)
    • +Bonus damage to kit skills

Tier 2 – Space

  • Energy Refrequencer (Passive)
    • Receive a portion of your outgoing damage as hull healing to you.
  • Particle Generator Amplifier (Passive)
    • +Bonus damage Exotic Damage

Tier 3 – Ground

  • Radiant Detonation Module (Passive)
    • Chance on weapon attacks to cause a moderate amount of radiation damage in an AoE and remove buffs from affected targets.
  • Destabilizing Phase Screen (Passive)
    • When damaged, gain Immunity to all damage for a short time.
      May occur once every 60 seconds.

Tier 4 – Space

  • Radiant Detonation Matrix (Passive)
    • Chance on energy weapon attacks to cause a moderate amount of radiation damage in an AoE and remove buffs from affected targets.
  • Destabilizing Phase Array (Passive)
    • When damaged, gain Immunity to all damage for a short time.
      May occur once every 60 seconds.

Tier 5 – Space

  • Deploy Sensor Interference Platform (Click)
    • Creates a platform that taunts nearby enemies and debuffs enemies that attack any target other than itself.

NOTE:All abilities and items found in this blog are subject to change.

Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Lead Systems Designer
Star Trek Online

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