Uneasy Allies – Weekly Rewards


By LaughingTrendy
Thu 26 Mar 2015 09:15:00 AM PDT

Each week we’ll be rolling out an additional reward for the Featured Episode “Uneasy Allies.” This week’s reward is the Romulan Imperial Navy Combat Armor.In addition, the first completion of “Uneasy Allies” on an account this week gives an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade. This tech upgrade is Bound to Account, and costs no Dilithium to use. This tech upgrade is available each week! Captains can potentially get up to 3 of these! Be sure to check back each week to get your newest one!

The Romulan combat armor has a high energy damage resistance rating, with a focus on resisting plasma damage. The suit also enhances secondary weapons fire, drastically increasing their damage.

You will receive the Romulan Imperial Navy Combat Armor at a rank-appropriate Mark. Upgrading the armor to improve with your rank has no cost, up to Mk XII. Further upgrades will require technology points and Dilithium as normal.

This armor is part of the Romulan Imperial Navy set. Collect pieces from this set to unlock powerful set bonuses:

Romulan Imperial Navy Set

Integrated Tactical Support (2 piece)

This two piece bonus increases your energy damage resistance while aiming, and your critical severity while crouching.

Emergency Regenerative Shield Array (3 piece)

This three piece bonus applies a shield heal and damage reduction buff to your team when you take damage while your shields are depleted.

Next week we’ll reveal week two’s reward for “Uneasy Allies.” Stay tuned!

Jon Steady
Systems Designer
Star Trek Online

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