Crystalline and Jem’Hadar Live!

By LaughingTrendy
Thu 05 Mar 2015 09:42:43 AM PST


Captains! We’re happy to announce that both our Crystalline Cataclysm Event and our R&D Pack Promotion are now live! From now until March 26th at 10:00AM PST, Federation, Klingon, and Romulan Republic Captains will be able to fight off the Crystalline Entity earning even better rewards and have a chance at getting the new Tier 6 Jem’Hadar Strike Ship from our R&D Packs!

For more information on the Crystalline Entity and the new rewards you can get, check out our blog here.

For more information regarding the Tier 6 Jem’Hadar Strike Ship and its stats, check out our blog here.

Gather your friends for this epic event and we’ll see in you in-game!

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