Tier 6 Command Ships – KDF


By LaughingTrendy
Wed 11 Feb 2015 12:00:00 PM PST


In the previous Command Battlecruiser introduction blog we unveiled this new ship type and the Inspiration mechanic.
In this blog we’ll reveal these ships’ stats, console abilities, set bonuses and starship traits.


Command Battlecruisers will be made available in the C-Store very soon.
These starships have three variants per faction and are available in three ways:

  • Individually (3000 ZEN each)
  • Faction Bundles of all three variants at a discount (6000 ZEN each)
  • A Super Bundle that includes all three variants for all three factions at a huge discount (12000 ZEN)

Please Note: Captains who purchase single ships will be unable to purchase bundles containing that ship.

Command Battlecruiser Stats


Klingon Command Battlecruiser Variants
The new spirit of détente in Operation Delta Rising has led to more cooperation between engineering teams throughout the Alpha Quadrant. When the Starfleet Corps of Engineers shared some of the specifications for Starfleet’s new Command Battlecruisers with the teams from the Klingon Defense Force, the empire’s engineers decided to take the technology and give it a uniquely Klingon spin. While the Klingon Command Battlecruiser acts as a mobile command center and can inspire and inform fleet allies, it is designed specifically for battle. The Command Battlecruiser incorporates innovations from KDF battle cruisers to make it the ultimate vessel for fleet operations.

This Tier 6 starship is an engineering centric variant of the Command Battlecruiser.
It features more engineering console slots and engineering bridge officer seats than the other Command Battlecruiser variants.

  • Tier 6
  • Mininum Rank: Lieutenant General
  • Hull Strength: 49,335 at level 50 and 57,200 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Crew: 1500
  • Fore Weapons: 4
  • Aft Weapons: 4
  • Device Slots: 4
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering/Command, 1 Lieutenant Science/Command, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 8
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 35
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bays loaded with To’Duj Fighters
  • Console – Universal – Fleet Support Platform
  • Cloaking Device
  • Inspiration Abilities
    • Turn the Tide
    • Against All Odds
    • Battle Preparation
  • Starship Ability Package (Battlecruiser)
    • Absorptive Plating
    • Enhanced Weapon Banks
    • Enhanced Plating
    • Armored Hull
    • Improved Brace for Impact (Starship Trait)
  • Cruiser Communications Array
    • Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
    • Command – Attract Fire

This Tier 6 starship is a science centric variant of the Command Battlecruiser.
It features more science console slots and science bridge officer seats than the other Command Battlecruiser variants.

  • Tier 6
  • Mininum Rank: Lieutenant General
  • Hull Strength: 49,335 at level 50 and 57,200 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Crew: 1500
  • Fore Weapons: 4
  • Aft Weapons: 4
  • Device Slots: 4
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical/Command, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering/Command, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 4 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 8
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 35
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bays loaded with To’Duj Fighters
  • Console – Universal – Tachyon Pulse Platform
  • Cloaking Device
  • Inspiration Abilities
    • Turn the Tide
    • Against All Odds
    • Battle Preparation
  • Starship Ability Package (Battlecruiser)
    • Absorptive Plating
    • Enhanced Weapon Banks
    • Enhanced Plating
    • Armored Hull
    • Improved Tachyon Beam (Starship Trait)
  • Cruiser Communications Array
    • Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
    • Command – Attract Fire

This Tier 6 starship is a tactical centric variant of the Command Battlecruiser.
It features more tactical console slots and tactical bridge officer seats than the other Command Battlecruiser variants.

  • Tier 6
  • Mininum Rank: Lieutenant General
  • Hull Strength: 49,335 at level 50 and 57,200 at level 60
  • Shield Modifier: 1.1
  • Crew: 1500
  • Fore Weapons: 4
  • Aft Weapons: 4
  • Device Slots: 4
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Commander Engineering/Command, 1 Lieutenant Science/Command, 1 Lieutenant Universal
  • Console Modifications: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 8
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 35
  • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Engine Power
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Hangar Bays: 1
  • Hangar Bays loaded with To’Duj Fighters
  • Console – Universal – Defense Platform
  • Cloaking Device
  • Inspiration Abilities
    • Turn the Tide
    • Against All Odds
    • Battle Preparation
  • Starship Ability Package (Battlecruiser)
    • Absorptive Plating
    • Enhanced Weapon Banks
    • Enhanced Plating
    • Armored Hull
    • All Hands on Deck (Starship Trait)
  • Cruiser Communications Array
    • Command – Shield Frequency Modulation
    • Command – Attract Fire

Command Battlecruiser Consoles

Each of the above Command Battlecruisers and Warbirds is equipped with a universal console. Below is a summary of what each of these consoles do:

Console – Universal – Fleet Defense Platform

The Concorde, An’quat and Baratan class Command ships come equipped with the Fleet Support Platform. While the Fleet Support Platform console is equipped, your starship can launch a mobile shield repair platform that will follow your starship for a while. Allies within 3km of the Fleet Support Platform will have their shields repaired and hardened. This console also provides a passive boost to maximum hull hit points.

This console may be equipped on any Command Battlecruiser or Command Warbird, but can be put into any of their console slots. You may only equip one of these consoles.

Console – Universal – Tachyon Pulse Platform

The Geneva, Klinzhai and Deihu class Command ships come equipped with the Tachyon Pulse Platform. While the Tachyon Pulse Platform console is equipped, your starship can deploy a stationary shield draining platform. Enemies that get too close to this platform will have their shields rapidly drained. This console also provides a small passive boost to shield hardness and shield healing.

This console may be equipped on any Command Battlecruiser or Command Warbird, but can be put into any of their console slots. You may only equip one of these consoles.

Console – Universal – Defense Platform

The Presidio, An’quat and Vastam class Command ships come come equipped with a Defense Platform. While the Defense Platform console is equipped, your starship can launch a formidable weapons platform. This platform will be deployed at your current position and will fire beam arrays at nearby enemies.
Additionally, it will deploy a large number of mines in the vicinity. Once these mines are detonated, they will be replaced after a short time. Equipping this console also provides a moderate boost to projectile damage.

This console may be equipped on any Command Battlecruiser or Command Warbird, but can be put into any of their console slots. You may only equip one of these consoles.

Command Platforms Console Set

This console set consists of the following consoles:

  • Console – Universal – Fleet Support Platform (Concorde, An’quat and Baratam Classes)
  • Console – Universal – Tachyon Pulse Platform (Geneva, Klinzhai and Deihu Classes)
  • Console – Universal – Defense Platform (Presidio, Ty’Gokor and Vastam Classes)
  • Console – Universal – Regenerative Integrity Field (Kobali Samsar Cruiser)

Equipping consoles from this set will unlock 2, 3 and 4 piece set bonuses:

Integrated Enhanced RCS Module (2 piece)

  • +Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating
  • +All Energy Damage Resistance Rating
  • +Flight Turn Rate

Encrypted Command Frequencies (3 piece)

  • Your Bridge Officer abilities build 33% more Inspiration for yourself
  • +Maximum Shield Capacity

Command Platform Synergy (4 piece)

  • +Energy Weapon Damage
  • Upgrades Command Battlecruiser platform console abilities:
    • Defense Platform : Create a second Defense Platform
    • Fleet Support Platform: The platform will now also heal ally hull for a moderate amount in addition to regenerating shields
    • Tachyon Pulse Platform: Increases the range of the Tachyon Pulse beams from 5km to 10km

Starship Traits

Reaching starship mastery level 5 in any of the above Command Battlecruisers and Warbirds will unlock a new starship trait. Below is a summary of these starship traits:

Improved Brace for Impact

After achieving level 5 in the Concorde, An’quat or Baratan Class Command ship’s starship mastery, you will unlock the Improved Brace for Impact starship trait. While this trait is slotted activating Brace for Impact grants you a very large amount of Temporary Hit Points for a short period of time.

Improved Tachyon Beam

After achieving level 5 in the Geneva, Klinzhai or Deihu Class Command ship’s starship mastery, you will unlock the Improved Tachyon Beam starship trait. While this trait is slotted Tachyon Beam will now regenerate the shields of allies near the target.

All Hands on Deck

After achieving level 5 in the Presidio, Ty’Gokor or Vastam Class Command ship’s starship mastery, you will unlock the All Hands on Deck starship trait. While this trait is slotted, activating a Tactical or Command Bridge Officer ability will reduce the recharge time of Science Bridge Officer and Captain abilities. This may only occur once every few seconds.



Q: Can you better explain how building Inspiration works in regards to team size?

A: The amount of the Inspiration resource that is built is dependent upon two things:

  • Type of ability
  • Team size

As mentioned above, Command Bridge Officer abilities will generate bonus Inspiration and the smaller your team size, the more Inspiration each individual contributor will add to the Inspiration pools of Command ships on your team. This bonus is largest when you are solo. That said, you will almost always fill your Inspiration meter more quickly when you’re on a full team.

NOTE: The stats and features of the above ships are all subject to change.

Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski
Lead Systems Designer
Star Trek Online