Jhet’leya Returns!


By LaughingTrendy
Thu 29 Jan 2015 12:00:00 PM PST


When we first started working on a concept for the Fifth Anniversary Featured Episode, we knew we wanted to do a Harry Kim story and bring Garrett Wang back to STO. This was a story we’d been talking about for some time, and we even seeded a tease to it in the Kobali Adventure Zone in Delta Rising.

But he couldn’t come back alone.

“Ashes to Ashes” is a favorite Voyager episode for several members of the STO team, and one of the things that makes it great is the performance of Kim Rhodes as Lyndsay Ballard/Jhet’leya. She brings heart and strength to a part that could have been another “alien of the week,” and we hoped she’d agree to do the same for Star Trek Online.

But Kim is a busy actress, with a reoccurring role in “Supernatural,” movie work, and a long stint on the Disney Channel show “Zach and Cody.” So we crossed our fingers, contacted her agent, and waited.
Luckily, Kim was interested in our story and more than willing to return to the role. We’re pleased to add her to Star Trek Online’s stars in “Dust to Dust,” our anniversary episode.

We had a wonderful experience working with Kim, and we hope you enjoy the episode. Stay tuned for more news about Trek stars returning to STO (and some new ones joining us, too) throughout 2015 and beyond.

A few minutes with Kim Rhodes

Kim was kind enough to answer a few questions from STO Lead Designer Al Rivera after the recording session. Listen to it here:

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