Simple Ship Transition

In our continuing effort to work on quality-of-life issues in Star Trek Online, we are adding a new system for simple ship transitions. We hope this change will make it easier for players to try out different ships and enjoy the process of switching ships when leveling.

This new feature is to help equip new ships that a player acquires. When a ship is readied for the first time, all of the items that can legally be fitted on the new ship will be moved from the old ship onto the newly readied ship. The items moved will be shadowed on the old ship, which will make it painless to switch back to any previous ships.
There a couple of requirements and notes for this new system.


  • This system is only triggered the first time a new ship is used. If you switch ships to a ship you have used previously, the ship switch process will work as it has always done.
  • The new ship cannot have had any items moved to it manually.
  • This feature will work either when readying the starship for the first time through the ship selector or when switching to the new ship for the first time in space.
  • The new ship can’t have any loadouts created for it.
  • The basic gear of the new ship will be moved into the inventory of the player to make room for the gear being moved from the previous ship.
    • Only common items will be moved to the player’s inventory.

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The new ship transition system will go live on Holodeck in a future update, and will go to Tribble soon for player testing. Please give us your feedback on this change.