Livestream of Q’s Winter Wonderland!

By CaptainSmirk
Wed 03 Dec 2014 04:30:00 PM PST

Missed the show today? Well you can catch the video recorded version here anytime! Click on this link to find out what you missed in today’s Winter Wonderland Livestream!


Join STO Community Manager CaptainSmirk today Wednesday, December 3rd at 6PM PDT (click here for your local timezone) for our next Star Trek Online Livestream Broadcast of a special private tour of the Winter Wonderland. Come marvel at the beauty that is Q’s latest gift to mankind, and the whimsy that he has created for you all. New fashion items, new cold based technology, ice weapons… and of course, all the Gingerbread men you can eat! (Please refrain from eating the Gingerbread colonists)

This year is already shaping up to be a special treat for everyone who joins Q and his Winter Minions, and we cannot wait to share it with you.



We will be streaming at a special time, live this Wednesday evening directly from Winter Wonderland, so get your winter gear ready, get on your Frosted Boots and Winter Jackets and meet us in Twitch chat for the show!

Our crew will be ready to ice skate for your pleasure, and to answer questions and give out prizes through our TwitchTV Raffle.

*To be eligible to win, you only need to be logged in to Twitch and chat the keyword that we’ll ask players to post (in addition to us saying it verbally, we’ll post it in chat so you can copy and paste it) right before each giveaway.

We cannot wait to see everyone enjoying the upcoming Winter Event and all the fun new merry-meant that Q has to offer. We are looking forward to seeing you in-game!

Community Manager
Star Trek Online