
by DeeJ Nov 26 at ‎10‎:‎10‎:‎32‎ ‎PM

This week at Bungie, we are thankful.

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From time to time, we become consumed by holidays that aren’t necessarily universal to our global community of ballistic ninjas. Thanksgiving is one of them. Whether or not you’re taking some time off work to gather with family and friends to redeem a bounty on an enormous bird, the themes of this occasion are relevant to us all.
The fables of Thanksgiving contain similarities to the Destiny community, even if you have no plans to devour a feathered consumable. This weekend, we celebrate the arrival of weary travelers in a new world. We’ll express gratitude for surviving a harrowing journey. Looking to the future, we’ll toast our good fortune on a beachhead that we can build upon for generations to come.
As glasses are raised and winged things are carved, there will be a lot for which we can be thankful at Bungie:
We’re thankful for the millions of people who have played our game.
We’re thankful that you care enough about what happens in that brave new world to talk to us about it.
We’re thankful for the chance to expand on our shared adventure in the days to come.
We’re thankful for ascendant shards, exotic weapons, good friends, and covering fire in times of severe danger.
We’re thankful for everything that happened this year: the launches, world-firsts, the hard learnings, the updates, the forum chatter, and the moment when we gleefully surrendered complete and total control of our game to its rightful owners.
We’re thankful that we can take a day or two off and see the people we missed while we were wrestling this new creation the ground, bundling it for mass consumption, and launching it out of a cannon.
Most of all, we’re thankful for you. Thanks for playing.

Black Friday in the Bungie Store
Let’s get into the spirit of rampant consumerism with a sale!
[Please note that this has absolutely nothing to do with Xûr.]
We’ve got the gear to make everyone on your list happy!
[Active Guardians will more fully appreciate why this stuff is cool.]
20% off everything will have people busting down the doors!
[There are no doors on the Bungie Store. It’s a website.]
Use promo code BLACKFRIDAY to save on every purchase!
[Real world only. Tower vendors are not participating.]

We’ll be making holiday wishes come true all season long!
[The Bungie Store Black Friday Sale ends December 1st.]
Insane crowds are sure to gather, so be careful out there!
[In truth, this is the safest way to shop in the whole world.]
Our people won’t rest until each of you has the perfect gift!
[We’re actually taking time off. The website is doing the heavy lifting.]
When this exotic loot is gone, it’s gone forever!
[There’s a good chance we’ll restock some of this stuff.]

The Game Must Flow
The rest of our studio may be dark, but there are some turkeys we simply cannot pardon. They work in the Destiny Operations Center. We have a game to support, and the Darkness does not observe regional holidays. This is what our unsung heroes of the network infrastructure are singing about this week.
We know that everyone has a friend who might be excited to try out the free Trial or Demo for Destiny, so we compiled a FAQ for all of your burning questions.
Additionally, we noticed that some Xbox One players who were eager to download the Trial received “Trial Expired” messages. We have resolved the issue and all Trial downloads will now work as expected. Any players who received the “Trial Expired” message should access the store page and redownload the Trial.
Lastly, a Fireteam of DOC workers will continue monitoring servers and forums for major issues over Thanksgiving weekend. We are thankful for our players, and our team has vowed to remain vigilant and make sure players are still connected and playing Destiny during the holidays.
Help.Bungie.Net never sleeps. Take the time you have when you’re awake and get out there and shoot stuff.

Short and sweet this week – like a cranberry side dish. If you have a Thanksgiving celebration of your own to attend, be safe on your travels. If you have no idea what we’re talking about in your far-flung corner of the world, forgive us for slacking off this week.
Next week, we’ll have plenty to talk about. Preparing patch notes for your Ghost.