Release Notes: October 30th, 2014

By CaptainSmirk
Wed 29 Oct 2014 03:58:20 PM PDT

New Subscriber Bonuses:

  • Lifetime Subscription
    • Talaxian Playable Species
      • Talaxians are now available as a new playable species for Federation and Klingon factions.
      • Talaxians are available for players with lifetime accounts.
      • This is retroactive to anyone that has purchased a lifetime subscription
  • Additional 800 Day Veteran reward
    • One Ship Upgrade Token per Account
      • The Upgrade Token rewardpack will be mailed in game to the first character that logs in on the account.
      • That character will receive a rewadpack which can be traded to any character on the same account.
      • Once the Upgrade Token is unpacked, it will be bound to that character and cannot be traded.
      • This will also unlock for Lifetime subscribers.
      • This is retroactive to all 800 day veterans and lifetime subscribers.



  • Resolved a number of issues that occasionally would cause a costume change related crash.
  • Resolved a crash that would occasionally occur when pressing Accept after completing a Skill Respec through the Skill Respec trainer contacts.
  • Resolved a graphics related crash that would occur on video cards with Shader Model 2.
  • Resolved a crash that could occur on startup with Direct X9 settings.
  • Bound items can no longer be stacked with unbound items.
    • When split, bound items will always create bound stacks.
  • The ability to respec Captain Specialization Points when using a Skill Point Respec is no longer available.
    • Captain Specialization points were not intended to work when using a Skill Point Respec token.
  • Resolved an issue which was causing players to be able to use their weapons and numerous Kit and Captain Powers in the Jenolan Sphere.
  • Foundry: Resolved an issue that caused invisible FX for the Mirror Universe Portal.
  • Added an icon to the Jem’Hadar Lobi Costume pack.
  • Resolved an issue where clouds of fog would sometimes appear incorrectly.



  • “Alliances”
    • Resolved an issue which was causing teamed players to spawn outside of the walls when beaming in to Voyager.
    • When successfully making an ally out of the Turei, Tuvok will express the correct reaction.
      • Previously, Tuvok’s text would refer to this as a failure instead of a success.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  • “Dragon’s Deceit”
    • Additional VO has been added to this episode.
    • Resolved an issue where the Neural Parasite would sometimes run underneath players during its reveal cutscene.
    • Tuvok’s headshot has been removed when interacting with the crate which gives the player the grapple gun.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  • “Mindscape”
    • Resolved an issue where Voyager could sometimes get lost in the fluidic space battle.
    • Lowered the spawn rate of enemy bioships in the fluidic space battle.
    • Added bulletproofing to make this less susceptible to breaking in the Astrometrics area.
    • Added thicker fog while in the Undine Ship interior.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  • “The Son” – Kobali Adventure Zone
    • The Replay mission reward will now award additional Mk 11 Kobali Rifles.
      • This will allow players to equip their Bridge Officers with this unique Delta Quadrant weapon.
  • “Reunion”
    • Resolved an issue where players in teams would see multiple versions of the same contact.
    • Contact VO no longer overlaps.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  • “Revolution”
    • A jammer is no longer floating in the air during the ground portion of the episode.
      • The jammer will now be attached to the nearby surface.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  • “Revelations”
    • Additional VO has been added to this episode.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  • “Takedown”
    • Additional VO has been added to this episode.
    • Resolved an issue where the player could be blocked from completing the mission if Gaul was defeated in the hallway attached to the arena.
    • Added sound effects to the drop pods in the arena.
    • Text now better matches the VO throughout this episode.
  •  “Enemy Action”
    • Transwarping from the ground for this mission no longer plays the space Transwarp animation.
      • It now plays the correct ground Transwarp animation.
  • “Night of the Comet”
    • After completing the Scotty drink puzzle, players can talk to the Drozana past bartender to buy “Nerve Tonics to go”.
      • These tonics are limited to once per play through of the episode.
      • The tonics are now bound to the character upon buying them.
  • “The Other Side”
    • The portal to the Mirror Universe in Arawath is no longer invisible.
  • “Cold Comfort”
    • The laser drill now has firing FX.
  • Additional VO has been added to the following Delta Quadrant contacts:
    • Burgess
    • Galera
    • Mena
    • Q’Nel
  • Delta Quadrant Patrol Systems:
    • Resolved an issue where all Delta Quadrant Patrol missions were always rewarding a Mk XII Phaser Beam Array.
      • It will now always grant a different Mk XII Space Weapon, of any weapon and energy type.
    • Resolved an issue causing excess bloom in the Zahl System.
    • The Wyanti System now has an image and information when interacting with it in Sector Space.
  • The “Welcome to the Delta Quadrant” video will now play when a player warps out of the Jenolan Sphere for the first time.
    • This will also play for the players who might have missed this video initially.
      • With Delta Rising’s launch, if a player immediately Transwarped to “Mindscape” after completing “Escalation”, the video would not play and would never be played.
    • A console has also been added to Delta Quadrant Command to rewatch this video.
  • Updated the look of the door choices for the Iconian Space Gate in the Tau Dewa Sector to make it clearer where the options take the player.
  • PvE Queues:
    • The PvE queue “Azure Nebula Rescue” is now available.
    • The PvE queue “Undine Infiltration” is now available.
    • “The Battle of Korfez”
      • The Vaadwaur missile now has the correct art.
      • Captain Harry Kim’s dialogue no longer overlaps.
      • Removed text which states “The Battle of Korfez” has an Advanced mode.
        • This queue only has an Elite mode.
    • There are no longer two Mission Briefing objectives for the Advanced version of “Storming the Spire.”
    • Resolved an issue causing the Starbase in the Fleet Starbase queue to not scale correctly to the difficulty level of the queue.
  • Federation players cannot leave Starfleet Academy until completing the skip version of the tutorial.
    • Previously, players could get stuck if they left Starfleet Academy prior to finishing the skip tutorial process.
    • If a player is stuck in the following zones, there is now an interact option with these points to allow access back to Starfleet Academy:
      • ESD
      • Sol System
      • Sirius Sector
  • Federation players can no longer join the Borg Red Alert without completing the full or skipped version of the tutorial.
    • When this occurred, players could get stuck in the Alert since there was no option to leave the Alert.
  • Missions which have a random assortment of rewards for completion will now have a wider range of reward varieties.
  • Backgrounds for NPC contact windows in Delta Quadrant content now show the correct image.
  • Vaadwaur Tanks have brand new death animation.
  • Commander Hugor no longer spawns in random groups of Klingon NPCs.
  • Episodes which no longer exist will now automatically be dropped from the player’s In Progress list.
  • Turned the rotating events back on for New Romulus.
    • These were accidently shut off.
  • Hirogen lips now move when speaking in cutscenes.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing level 60 players to not be able to access PvP Warzone Sector doors in the Qo’Nos and Donatu Sectors.
  • Added music to the Devore Sector.
  • Resolved an issue causing the nebula to flicker in the Klingon space tutorial map.



  • Corrected a problem in expertise rewards after level 50.
    • Previous to Delta Rising, Skill Points earned at level 50 were rolled-over to Expertise and with the raise of the level cap, this rollover was intended to be removed.
    • The removal of the rollover Expertise failed to go out with the launch of Delta Rising.
    • Additional Expertise added to PvE Queues and missions to compensate succeeded in going out with the launch of Delta Rising.
    • The result was players have been earning unexpected amounts of Expertise since the launch of Delta Rising.
      • This has been corrected and Expertise is now rewarding at the expected rate.
  • Resolved an issue where obtaining level 1 in any R&D School would unlock the school associated trait which is intended to unlock at level 15.
    • The traits will be automatically removed from the trait list as well as any which are equipped.
    • Traits earned by reaching level 15 in a R&D School will not be removed.
    • The list of traits this is applied to are:
      • “Beam Barrage” – Beams School
      • “Deft Cannoneer” – Cannon School
      • “Give Your All” – Engineering School
      • “Inelastic Collisions” – Shields School
      • “Kinetic Precision” – Projectiles School
      • “Particle Manipulator” – Science School
      • “Penetrating Rounds” – Ground Weapons School
  • Powers:
    • Kinetic Magnet:
      • Fragile damage threshold increased from 10,000 / 15,000 / 20,000 to 20,000 / 30,000 / 40,000.
      • Excluded the following items from being affected by “Kinetic Magnet”:
        • Aceton Assimilators for Gorn, Voth and Player
        • All Cluster Torpedoes
        • All Tailpipe Torpedoes
        • B’Ger Plasma Torpedo
        • Destabilized Plasma Torpedo
        • Gorn Repair Platforms
        • Hirogen Feign Death “Loot” Container
        • Intel EMP Probes
        • Malon and Voth Depth Charge targets
        • Projected Singularity
        • T5 Counter-Command Shield Generator
        • Undine Plasma Torpedo
        • VATA Console torpedoes, and KDF equivalent Mines
      • Resolved an issue where some Mines and Torpedoes were not correctly affected by Kinetic Magnet.
    • Feign Disintegration will no longer permanently alter AI behavior when used.
      • Bridge Officers that have the stealth triggered will only act differently for as long as the Stealth lasts.
    • Both ranks of Quick Draw have been reworked to be a passive effect.
      • Previously it was triggered by ability activation.
      • This resolves an issue that was causing abilities already in cooldown to gain a cooldown benefit when additional abilities were activated.
      • The cooldown reduction is now always a fixed percentage, but that value has been raised to 10% at Rank 1 and 20% at Rank 2.
      • This cooldown reduction now affects all non-weapon abilities, by design.
        • Previously it was accidently affecting only a few non-Kit abilities.
      • The descriptions for these abilities have been updated to reflect the new functionality.
    • Ionic Turbulence:
      • Chance to trigger “Out Of Control” changed from 20% / 35% / 50% to 20% / 30% / 40%.
      • Lockout/Immunity period from affected by “Out of Control” increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds.
      • Strength of repel during “Out of Control” reduced by 20%.
      • Fixed a tooltip error that indicated the Hold from “Out of Control” lasts 3 seconds, when it actually only lasts 2 seconds.
        • This is a text change only.
    • Added a distance limit statement to the tooltips on versions of Subspace Beacon.
    • Added a description of the Fuse Timer mechanic to all versions of Transport Warhead.
    • Resolved a display text issue on Psionic Feedback, Shield Pulse, and Electrostatic Field Kit Modules.
      • These items indicated they were “Operations Modules” instead of correctly listing them as “Mechanic Modules”.
  • Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array from the Mission Reward for “Sphere of Influence”:
    • Renamed to “Ancient Omni-Directional Beam Array” to reduce confusion between this and the similarly-named Crafted Beam Arrays.
    • This mission reward no longer shares a Equip Limit Category with the Crafted Beam Arrays, allowing both to be placed on any ship simultaneously.
    • Damage from this weapon has been increased by a small amount.
      • It still deals less damage than the Crafted Beams, but the difference is smaller, and this beam can benefit from a set bonus.
  • Vaadwaur Space NPCs:
    • Assault and Interdictor Cruisers no longer get stuck in a “run away” AI loop when players are close to them.
    • Constriction Anchors now reduce a target’s Engine Power to zero if allowed to keep that target anchored for less than 30 seconds.
    • Constriction Anchors will no longer push their owners when launched.
    • All Vaadwaur Mines now hit for less and spread out further when launched.
    • All Vaadwaur Assault Vessels, Assault Cruisers, and Artillery Vessels now have a chance to spawn without a Tricobalt Launcher.
    • Resolved an issue which caused player attacks to register on the wrong side of the Vaadwaur Battleships and Dreadnaughts.
      • This is a visual change only.
  • Delta Alliance Reputation System:
    • The proc chance for the Thoron Torpedo purchased in the Reputation store has been increased to 10% from 2.5%.
    • Updated the display name and proc chance for the Thoron Infused Quantum Mines.
    • The images for the hourly and daily projects now match the images for the rest of this reputation system.
  • Upgrade System:
    • Added upgrade functionality to the Borg assimilated console.
    • Addressed an issue that caused the Counter-Command Multi-Energy Relay to become worse when upgraded.
    • Tactical Vulnerability Exploiter Consoles can now be upgraded using Projectile Tech Upgrades.
    • Resolved an issue when upgrading the Jem’Hadar Polaron Beam Pistol to Mk XII would result in it becoming Blue in quality, instead of remaining Purple.
      • This item was previously obtained from the Lobi Upgrade Pack.
  • Resolved an issue which was blocking being able to add items like Photon Torpedoes to certain Fleet Projects.
    • An example would be the project “Practice Tactical Exercises”.
  • Hierarchy Bridge Officers:
    • Resolved an issue which was blocking Klingon Captains from training their Hierarchy Bridge Officer in Science Abilities.
    • Hierarchy Bridge Officers are no longer editable.
    • The Hierarchy is correctly titled Bridge Officer instead of Duty Officer.
    • Hierarchy Bridge Officers now generate a name when received.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing Romulan Captains allied with the KDF from training Bridge Officers.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing Federation Aligned Romulans to sometimes receive KDF aligned Duty Officers from the R&D Assistance assignment.



  • D’Kyr Vulcan Science Vessel:
    • The D’kyr’s Support Craft now heals the player, friends, or the target of your foe depending on who the player has targeted.
    • The shuttle has increased maneuverability.
    • If defeated, the shuttle will turn off correctly instead of just sitting in the same spot.
    • Tooltip text has been updated to reflect these changes.
  • All Dyson Destroyers now have standard faction appropriate hull materials.
    • This is free and automatically unlocked for all Dyson Destroyers.
  • All 9 Faction specific Tier 6 ships have a new free material available.
    • There will be a new Type 7 material for the following Federation Ships:
      • Dauntless Experimental Class Science Vessel
      • Eclipse Intel Cruiser
      • Guardian Cruiser
      • Phantom Intel Escort
      • Scryer Intel Science Vessel
    • There will be a new Type 4 material for the following Klingon Ships:
      • MatHa Raptor
      • Qib Intel Battlecruiser
    • There will be a new Type 4 material for the following Romulan Ships:
      • Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser
      • Faeht Intel Warbird
  • Starship Traits:
    • Resolved an issue preventing “Overwhelming Force” from applying to a number of Dual Beam Bank and Beam Array items.
    • Resolved an issue where the Accuracy bonus of the Starship Trait Advanced Fire Solutions on the Qib Battlecruiser was not being accurately applied.
  • Starship Mastery:
    •  “Quick Deployment” now correctly reduces the recharge time and XP gain of hangar pets.
    • Resolved an issue that caused the Xindi Narcine Carrier T5-U from displaying the correct Starship Mastery passive abilities.
      • The ship was getting the correct abilities, but the UI showed incorrect ones.
      • This is a text change only.
  • Resolved an issue which was causing the material options to change when altering the windows on the Dauntless.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Hazari Destroyer and Benthan Assault Cruiser to default to the U.S.S. prefix in their ship name.
    • By default they will now no longer have a prefix.
  • Resolved an issue where Intrepids could not use alternate window options.
  • Faction specific window options have been added to the Faeht Intel Warbird.



  • TOS Federation Dress Badges no longer can be worn by Klingon aligned characters.
    • This was only meant for Federation players.
  • The Romulan Temple Fleet Action contact now has the correct Odyssey Standard uniform.
  • Resolved an issue causing a harsh rim of light around many types of hair.
    • Examples of this would be Vulcan, Romulan, Human, and Klingon hair.
  • Gorn now have access to Intel glasses.
  • Intel boot colors are no longer linked to other costume parts.
  • Ranks and badges no longer clip with the Intel jackets for males and females.
  • Improved the fit of the Odyssey uniforms for all characters.
    • It no longer stretches oddly in the underarm area.
  • The Odyssey shoes and boots are now sized more anatomically and proportionally.
  • Resolved issues with visible seams on Caitian and Klingon males while wearing swimsuits.
  • Female Long Hair is now an option for Romulan females.
  • Resolved clipping issues with Xindi hairstyles.
  • General improvements made to the shape, fit, and clipping on most female lower body parts and base anatomy.
    • Smoothed out angular lines in the calves and knees.



  • Added brand new Sector Map backgrounds to all Sector Maps.
  • Added custom icons for important locations on all Sector Maps.
  • Adjusted the minimum, maximum, and default zoom of the Galaxy Map.
  • Resolved an issue which was sometimes causing the start button to gray out for the 20 hour research project for each crafting school in the R&D system.
  • There are now filters in the PvE queue list for queues which reward Delta Marks and Ancient Power Cells.
  • The color palette of the Specialization progress bar now matches with the character’s faction.
    • Blue for Federation
    • Green for Romulan
    • Orange for Klingon
  • The FX seen when leveling up a Starship Mastery now matches with the character’s faction.
    • Blue for Federation
    • Green for Romulan
    • Orange for Klingon


Known Issues:

  • The Federation, Klingon, and Romulan tutorials award the incorrect type of kits upon completion of the tutorial.
  • The Federation Type 3 Phaser rifle cannot be upgraded.
  • KDF aligned Romulans will see duplicate powers when training Bridge Officers.
    • One set of the powers are invalid.
  • The Bio-Neural Gel Pack in the Delta Alliance Reputation system does not apply the correct amount of Subsystem Power Boost.
  • Some ships are not able to play the “Rock and Roll” animation when this Captain Specialization power has been unlocked.
  • The Multiple Choice Mark Packages, such as the one listed as a reward for the Mirror Invasion Event, do not list Delta Marks as a choice.
    • This is only missing text as Delta Marks are a choice once the pack is opened.
  • The Mirror Invasion event Ad incorrectly states the event is limited to level 50 characters and lists a special Duty Officer as a reward.
    • This event is for level 50 – 60 Captains.
    • The special reward is the Zefram Cochrane Shotgun.

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