Release Notes: October 23rd, 2014

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 22 Oct 2014 05:16:39 PM PDT


  • The Skill Points and Expertise rewarded for defeating NPCs below the player’s current level have been updated.
    • They now correctly scale starting at one level below the player.
    • Defeating NPCs that are 5 levels below you now properly award far less Skill Points and Expertise to prevent exploitive gameplay.
  • After earning all 60 Captain Specialization points, Dilithium is no longer rewarded when filling the Skill Points bar.
    • This reward may be reinstated in a later update.
  • The Skill Point bonus for teaming has been corrected.
    • The team bonus with the launch of Delta Rising was incorrect and it has now been reduced.
  • All Patrols and Deep Space Encounters in the Tau Dewa Sector now spawn NPCs at the correct level.
  • Map loading screens have been updated.
    • Resolved an issue that caused some female Human and Caitian captains to have invisible legs while wearing skirts.
    • The Small XP Boost in the C-Store has been reverted to its previous value of 3,000 Bonus Skill Points.



  • The following PVE queues are now available:
    • Khitomer Vortex
    • No Win Scenario
    • Spire Assault
    • The Vault Shuttle Event
  • The rewards for many of the PVE Space queues have been updated.
    • Normal Mode:
      • 35 Marks for completion.
      • 10 Marks for completing the Optional objective.
    • Advanced Mode:
      • 50 Marks for completion.
      • 25 Marks for completing the Optional objective.
    • Elite Mode:
      • 80 Marks for completion.
      • 20 Marks for completing the Optional objective.
    • These changes affect the following queues:
      • Atmosphere Assault
      • Borg Disconnected
      • Infected: The Conduit
      • Khitomer Vortex
      • Storming the Spire
      • The Breach
      • The Cure Found
      • The Vault: Ensnared
      • Undine Assault
      • Viscous Cycle
  • The rewards for many of the PVE Ground queues have been updated.
    • Normal Mode:
      • 45 Marks for completion.
      • 10 Marks for completing the Optional objective.
    • Advanced Mode:
      • 65 Marks for completion.
      • 25 Marks for completing the Optional objective.
    • Elite Mode:
      • 95 Marks for completion.
      • 20 Marks for completing the Optional objective.
    • These changes affect the following queues:
      • Infected: Manus
      • Into the Hive
      • Khitomer in Stasis
      • The Cure Applied
      • Undine Infiltration
  • Updated several PVE queues and their rewards.
    • No Win Scenario:
      • NPCs now spawn at the correct difficulty level.
      • Advanced and Elite modes now award the correct crafting pack for beating wave 8 or higher.
    • Crystalline Catastrophe:
      • The HP of the Crystalline Entity has been significantly reduced in Advanced mode.
      • The regeneration rate of the Crystalline Entity has been reduced and no longer scales during the later stages of the battle.
    • “Atmosphere Assault” Advanced mode now correctly places players into the Advanced difficulty map when queued.
    • “Vault Shuttle Event” now grants all the listed rewards instead of forcing only one to be chosen.
    • “Khitomer Vortex” now correctly awards players 10 Marks for failing.
    • “Nukara Prime: Self-Destructive Tendencies” Advanced mode now correctly rewards 10 Marks for failing.
    • Resolved an issue which would sometimes cause the shield to not drop at the beginning of “Undine Infiltration”.
    • “Into the Hive” Advanced mode now correctly sets the player to level 60.
  • The mission “Infiltrating the Infilitrators” in the Kobali Adventure Zone now has a 20 hour cooldown.


  • Resolved an issue that resulted in the XP earn rate for skill points to be incorrect.
    • This update will set the skill point earn rate to 2.0x normal.
      • Prior to Delta Rising the earn rate was 1.75x normal.
  • Reduced the Skill Point requirement for each Starship Mastery level by 33%.
    • No earned Ship Mastery Skill Points will be removed from player’s ships.
    • Players who are in the process of leveling up a Starship Mastery level will have the Mastery level of the ship increase to match the 33% decrease in points required.
  • The Tal Shiar Adapted Warp Core now upgrades to the correct Mk 12 version of the core.
    • Previously, this was turning in to a Plasma Beam Array when upgraded.
    • The Tal Shiar Adapted Warp Core can now be reclaimed in the Dilithium reclaim store.
      • Reclaim of this item will only be available if the player does not have the item but does own the Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer or the Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser.
      • If the core was accidently transformed into a Plasma Beam Array, it can also be reclaimed in the Dilithium reclaim store.
    • The hull repair bonus improves as the item gains Marks.
  • Added upgrade functionality to the old Aegis crafting set.
    • This includes the following Aegis items:
      • Deflector
      • Impulse Engines
      • Shields
  • The difficulty of space NPCS has been updated for the 50-60 level range.
    • In Normal mode, all space NPCs have had their Hull and Shields slightly reduced.
    • In Advanced mode, all space NPCs have had their Hull and Shields slightly reduced.
      • Shields are reduced more than Hull.
    • In Elite mode, all space NPCs have had their Hull increased and Shields reduced slightly.
    • These changes apply to all space NPCs in:
      • All level 50-60 content episodes.
      • All level 50-60 patrols missions.
      • All level 50-60 PVE queues.
  • Resolved an issue which caused the Kazon Raider to have very weak Hull and Shield healing rates.
  • Ship Upgrading:
    • All in-game store purchases that require a specific T5 ship will now register their T5-U versions.
      • Previously, some stores would not allow the purchase of special ship items if it did not recognize the upgraded version of the ship.
    • This includes purchasing ship items in:
      • Dilithium Reclaim Store
      • ESD Vendors
      • Fleet Stores
      • Qo’Nos Venders
      • Special Dilithium store items
  • The special traits of the Xindi and Talaxian Bridge Officers are now properly able to be activated.


  • The Scientist Jacket is now available for females in the Costume editor.
  • Added NPC contacts wearing multiple variants of EV suits.
  • There are now additional holographic NPC Contacts.
  • Resolved an issue with duplicate display names for Ocampa and Octanti NPC Contacts.
  • The Noncombat NPC Groups now properly display as Allegiance Neutral.

Known Issues:

  • Fleet projects that require items such as Photon Torpedoes will not accept the required items to complete the project.
  • The Starbase in the Fleet Starbase queue does not scale correctly to the difficulty level.
  • The “Azure Nebula Rescue” queue is not available.
  • The episode “Takedown” can become blocked from completion if Gaul is defeated while in the hallway attached to the arena.
    • When this occurs, the players will be locked behind the door unable to progress.
  • The Vaadwaur missile in “The Battle of Korfez” has incorrect art.
  • Some text does not match the VO.
  • The new Intel power “Kinetic Magnet” does not function properly on all items.

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