Release Notes – October 14th, 2014

By LaughingTrendy
Tue 14 Oct 2014 07:32:30 AM PDT


Level Cap Increase

  • Captains can now rank up to level 60!
    • This includes new titles, new captain powers, and new rewards for each faction.
  • The Delta Quadrant story arc has been added to the Episodes tab in the journal.
  • Upon logging in with a level 50 Captain, players will be able to accept the mission “Escalation” to begin the journey through the Delta Quadrant.
  • For more details, please view the Raising the Level Cap blog post here:

Captain Specializations

  • Captain Specializations are a new system that allows captains to earn new abilities once they reach level 50.
  • Upon attaining level 50, this system can be found between the Skills and Traits tab of the Status window.
  • Currently, the available Trees are Intelligence Officer, Commander, and Pilot.
  • Players will gain one Captain Specialization Point for each level they gain from 51 – 60, 10 points in total.
  • After reaching level 60, captains will continue to gain Captain Specialization Points.
    • Each time the bar is filled, 1 point will be earned.
    • Captains may earn up to 50 additional points in order to obtain all the available Captain Specialization abilities.
  • For more details please view the Captain Specializations blog post here:

Ship Upgrading

  • Players can now upgrade most Tier 5 ships to Tier 5-U.
  • Upgrading a ship allows the ship to level as Captains progress through content.
    • This includes an increase in base stats as it levels up.
    • This unlocks access to 4 Starship Mastery powers that unlock as the ship levels up.
  • To upgrade, go to a Ship Select Contact, choose an upgradable ship, and click on the Upgrade Ship button.
    • Tier 5 Ships purchased from the C-Store require a Ship Upgrade token which can be found in the C-Store.
    • Tier 5 Ships found in lockboxes, purchased in the Lobi store, and special ships such as the Jem’Hadar Attack Ship do not require a token to upgrade.
    • Upgrading a ship which has a Fleet version will upgrade the Fleet version for free.
      • Similarly, upgrading a Fleet ship will upgrade its corresponding standard version for free.


Expanded Item Upgrade System

Intelligence Bridge Officers and Powers

  • There is a new type of Bridge Officer available: Intelligence Specialists!
  • Intelligence Specialists are available for all three Professions: Tactical, Engineering, and Science.
  • These are hybrid officers that have ground and space powers both from their Specialization and their Profession.
  • Players can recruit Intelligence Bridge Officers at any Requisition Officer upon reaching level 50.
    • They can be found in the Intelligence Specialists tab.
    • These Bridge Officers have access to brand new space and ground abilities that focus on undermining the effectiveness of enemies.
  • Intelligence Bridge Officers can be retrained at any of the Bridge Officer Trainers.
    • Only Intelligence Specialists can be trained in the Intelligence Abilities.
  • For more details, please view the Intelligence Officers blog post here:

Delta Alliance Reputation

  • This new reputation is available in the Reputations panel of the character status window.
  • The Delta Alliance Reputation System offers high-end rewards for Captains at level 50 and beyond.
  • Delta Marks are required to progress through the Delta Alliance Reputation and obtain powerful items.
  • Earn Delta Marks by completing any of the following:
    • New Delta Quadrant episodes
    • Borg Disconnected Queue
    • Bug Hunt Queue
    • The Battle of Korfez STF Queue
  • In addition to Delta Marks, Mk XII set gear requires Ancient Power Cells.
    • Earn Ancient Power cells through higher difficulty versions of any queued event which offers Delta Marks.
    • These power cells can also be sold for Dilithium Ore.
  • For more details, please view the Delta Alliance Reputation blog post here:

Borg Disconnected

  • This is a brand new 5-man space PVE queue for level 50+ Captains.
  • There are Normal, Advanced, and Elite versions of the queue.
  • After the events of Hive Onslaught, the Borg Queen was vanquished, and the Collective dissolved.
  • Now, the Borg Queen has been revived in another Unimatrix in the Delta Quadrant and has contrived a plan to reunite the divided Borg into a Collective once again.
  • The Borg Cooperative need the Alliance’s help to keep the Borg free and put a stop to the Queen.
  • For more details, please view the Borg Disconnected blog post here:


Bug Hunt

  • This is a brand new 5-man ground PVE queue for level 50+ Captains.
  • This story-related queue will be available to captains who have completed “The Dragon’s Deceit”.
  • Once unlocked, the queue will be available to all characters on a player’s account level 50 and higher.
  • This queue will have Normal, Advanced, and Elite difficulty settings.
    • Elite difficulty is only available to captains at level 60.
    • The Elite difficulty is highly difficult ground combat, and will require top-level gear and highly-coordinated teams.
  • Players will venture into the hive of a dangerous insectoid foe, combat its guardians, and topple its leadership.
  • For more details, please view the Delta Rising Queue – Bug Hunt blog post here:


The Battle of Korfez Special Task Force

  • This is an Elite queue available for captains who reach level 60.
  • This STF is available to captains of all allegiances and is a 15 minute event.
  • Team up with various Delta Quadrant species to fight the Vaadwaur as they attempt to take control of the Korfez System.
  • The Battle of Korfez will require all of a captain’s strategic acumen and top-of-the-line equipment.
  • For more details, please view the Battle of Korfez blog post here:


New PVE Queue Difficulty Options

  • Many of the standard PVE queues have been updated to fit the new queue difficulty settings.
    • Standard Difficulty is unchanged.
      • Players level 51 – 60 will be scaled down to level 50 for this difficulty.
    • Advanced Difficulty replaces what was previously called Elite.
      • Players level 51-60 will be scaled to level 60 for this difficulty.
    • Elite Queues are now level 60 versions of PVE queues.
      • Only level 60 players can queue for this difficulty setting.
  • Rewards are still commensurate with difficulty level.
  • The chances of acquiring blue Rare and purple Very Rare drops have increased further with these updates.
  • For more details, please view the Queue Revamp blog post here:



  • The main login screen has been updated.
  • Traits can now be changed on a captain’s bridge.
  • Resolved and issue that caused clipping on some female boots.
    • TOS Mirror Universe Knee Highs
    • Reman Boots
    • Dyson Boots
  • Made 7 of 9’s shoes and boots a more natural shape.
  • The Odyssey Badges are now available on all existing Federation Upper Uniforms and Jackets.

    • Previously, these Odyssey Badges were only usable on Odyssey Uppers.
  • The Credits have been updated to include our latest Star Trek Online contributors.
  • The old Dilithium store has been removed from K7 and Ganalda.
  • Mouths on Reman females will no longer become deformed when doing the Khan emote.
  • The XP Boosts in the C-store have been updated.
    • They are now available in 3000 and 10,000 skillpoint versions, with no increase in price.
    • The former 1000 and 6000 versions are no longer available for purchase.
    • Any existing Large and Small XP Boosts remain unchanged.


  • Level caps have been added to several level 50 PvE Adventure and Battle Zones.
    • Players who enter these zones will be automatically adjusted to level 50 while in the zone.
      • Players will see level 50 to the right of their real level.
      • Once the player has left the zone, they will be set back to their real level.
      • This is similar to when players zone in to Nimbus III and are set to level 26 while in the zone.
    • This change affects the following zones:
      • Defera
      • Dyson Sphere Allied Zone
      • Dyson Sphere Contested Zone
      • Dyson Sphere Ground Battlezone
      • Dyson Sphere Undine Space Battlezone
      • New Romulus
      • Nukara Prime
  • Resolved an issue on the Order Bridge that allowed players to see into space.


  • Female Changelings are now actually female.
  • Resolved an issue which was causing Bridge Olympic 01 to have the front half of its floor below the bottom of the map.
  • Updated the display names for the ship costumes in the Foundry costume editor.
    • They now include the allegiance or species name.
  • Resolved an issue that caused some NPC Contacts in swimsuits to have grey legs.
  • Added the following NPC Contacts:
    • Females and males in EV suits
    • Holograms
      • Tutorial EMH
      • Prison Warden
      • Orion female
      • Klingon male
      • M.A.C.O. female
    • Beachgoers from Risa
    • All Delta Quadrant species
    • All Delta Quadrant species ships
  • Added the following NPC Groups:
    • Space
      • Benthan
      • Kazon
      • Federation-Allied Klingon
      • KDF-Allied Federation
      • Borg Cooperative
      • Vaadwaur
      • “Noncombat” KDF and Fed NPC groups
      • They will not engage in combat with any groups.
      • “Rogue” KDF and Fed NPC groups
      • They will attack any groups regardless of allegiance.
    • Ground
      • Bluegill
      • Kobali
      • Federation-Allied Klingon
      • KDF-Allied Federation
      • Borg Cooperative
      • Vaadwaur
      • “Noncombat” KDF and Fed NPC groups
      • They will not engage in combat with any groups.
      • None of the enemy groups will engage in combat with them.
      • “Rogue” KDF and Fed NPC groups
      • They will attack any groups regardless of allegiance.
  • Added the following outfit options to the Costume Editor:
    • Xindi uniform pieces
    • Kobali soldiers
    • Kobali civilians
    • Hazari uniform
    • Ocampa clothing
    • Talaxian clothing
    • Delta Alliance Combat Armor
    • Intel Uniforms
    • The Wrath of Khan rank pips
    • Scientist Jacket
    • “Salt Vampire” male hairstyle
    • Bajoran Combadges
    • Elachi S’golth Escort
    • Yellowstone Shuttle (variant of Federation Runabout)



  • Updated the Aquarius Destroyer.
    • It has been renamed Aquarius Light Escort.
    • Improved its base hull value from 24,000 to 25,500.
    • Improved its shield modifier from 0.85 to 0.9.
    • Improved its turn rate from 17 to 20.
    • Improved its impulse speed from 0.15 to 0.22.
    • Added Raider Flanking, allowing it to gain a damage bonus when attacking a target’s rear arc.
      • +25% Damage vs. NPCs, +8.33% Damage vs. Players.
    • It can now equip Console – Universal – Cloaking Device.
    • All seats, except Commander Tactical, have been upgraded to be Universal.
  • Updated the Fleet Aquarius Destroyer.
    • It has been renamed Fleet Aquarius Light Escort.
    • Improved its base hull value from 26,400 to 28,050.
    • Improved its shield modifier from 0.935 to 0.99.
    • Improved its turn rate from 17 to 20.
    • Improved its impulse speed from 0.15 to 0.22.
    • Added Raider Flanking, allowing it to gain a damage bonus when attacking a target’s rear arc.
      • +25% Damage vs. NPCs, +8.33% Damage vs. Players.
    • Can now equip Starfleet Cloaking Device.
    • All seats, except Commander Tactical, have been upgraded to be Universal.
    • [T5-U] versions of this starship will benefit from the improvements above.
  • Updated Vesta Multi-Mission Science Vessels.
    • Improved its base hull value from 27,900 to 29,040.
    • Improved its shield modifier from 1.35 to 1.4.
    • [T5-U] versions of this starship will benefit from the improvements above.
  • Updated the Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit.
    • Improved its turn rate from 9 to 10.
    • Improved its inertial from 40 to 45.
    • Added a +accuracy bonus on the Console – Universal – Tachyon Grid to both the passive and active effects.
    • The Fleet and [T5-U] versions of this starship will also benefit from the improvements above.
  • Updated the D’Kyr Science Vessel
    • Improved its turn rate from 10 to 11.
    • Improved its Inertia from 30 to 45.
    • Upgraded the Ensign Science bridge officer seat to Ensign Universal.
    • [T5-U] versions of this starship will benefit from the improvements above.
  • Halved the recharge time on ship separation consoles to 90 seconds.
    • Previously it was 180 seconds.
  • Reduced the recharge time of all console abilities that had a 3 minute or greater recharge time to 2 minutes.
    • This applies to the following console abilities:
      • Ablative Generator
      • Activate Aceton Mode
      • Antimatter Spread
      • Call Hazari Shielding Device
      • Call Repair Ship
      • Call Xindi Weapon Platform
      • Cascade Resonance Emission
      • Chromoelectric Pulse
      • Cloaked Barrage
      • Create Fluidic Rift
      • Deploy Sensor Probe Swarm
      • Deploy Spatial Charges
      • Destabilized Proton Beam
      • Disruptor Autocannon
      • Disruptor Lotus
      • EMP Burst
      • Enhanced Induction Coils
      • Enhanced Plasma Manifold
      • Fermion Field
      • Fluidic Space Jump
      • Focused Fluidic Beam
      • Focused Singularity Beam
      • Grappler –Singularity Projectile
      • Graviton Pulse
      • Ionized Particle Beam
      • Isometric Charge
      • Launch Subspace Rupture
      • Magnetometric Overload
      • Manheim Effect
      • Molecular Phase Inversion Field
      • Multidimensional Graviton Shield
      • Nadion Saturation Bomb
      • Particle Conversion Matrix
      • Particle Synthesizer
      • Phase Shift
      • Phaser Lotus
      • Plasma Lotus
      • Photonic Decoy Swarm
      • Photonic Displacement
      • Point Defense System
      • Projected Statis Beam
      • Protonic Shielding
      • Quantum Field Focus Phaser
      • Reflective Immunity Matrix
      • Secondary Shields
      • Shield Destabilizer
      • Shield Inversion
      • Shrapnel Torpedo Barrage
      • Singularity Collapse
      • Structural Integrity Field Siphon
      • Subspace Snare
      • Swarm Missiles
      • Tachyon Detection Grid
      • Tachyon Inversion Beams
      • Temporal Backstep
      • Tholian Web
      • Torpedo Point Defense System
      • Weapon System Siphon
  • The C-Store has been reorganized including new categories and sub-categories within.
    •  The new categories along with the sub-categories within these include:
      • Discount Packs
        • This category will contain all the items that were previously in the Bundles category.
      • Ships
        • The Ships category now has new sub-categories to better organize the many ships in Star Trek Online.
          • All primary ships are now separated by their tier: Tier 1 – 6.
          • Small Crafts now have their own sub-category.
          • Bridge Packs remain in the same sub-category.
      • Duty Officers
        • This category now includes the ability to purchase extra Duty Officer slots along with the standard Duty Officer packs.
      • Items
        • This category is unchanged.
      • Services
        • This category is unchanged.
      • Boosts
        • This is a new category which now has the Skill and CXP Boosts within.
      • Appearance
        • This category has the same outfits within but is now separated by Federation, Klingon, and Romulan sub-categories.
      • Personnel
        • This category has new sub-categories which separate the Personnel into Bridge Officers, Combat Companions, Companions, Species, and Tribbles.
      • Promotions
        • This is a new category which will have any promotional item a player’s account has been granted or will be granted in the future.
      • Legacy Unlocks
        • This category has been merged with the now removed category Special Unlocks.


  • Increased the number of free Bridge Officer Slots awarded at each rank.
    • At Commander, silver players now earn 5, an increase from 4, Bridge Officer Slots.
      • Gold players are unaffected.
    • At Vice Admiral, silver players now earn 7, an increase from 6, Bridge Officer Slots.
      • Gold players earn 12, an increase from 10, Bridge Officer Slots.
    • At Fleet Admiral, silver players earn 8 Bridge Officer Slots.
      • Gold players earn 14 Bridge Officer Slots.
    • This change affects equivalent ranks for Klingons and Romulans.
    • The max players can purchase from the C-store remains unchanged.
  • Refracting Tetryon Cascade will now grey out and prevent activation if the currently selected target is out of range.
    • If there is nothing currently targeted, Refracting Tetryon Cascade can still be used at any time.
  • Updated Sensor Analysis.
    • Resolved an issue that was causing Sensor Analysis not to increase the damage of the user’s targetable torpedoes and other pets.
    • Sensor Analysis now increases ALL damage dealt by the user of the power.
  • Bridge Officers can now benefit from Biologist Duty Officers that increase the duration of Tricorder Scan and Anesthezine Gas debuffs.
  • Botanist Duty Officers which propagate Melorazine and Dylovene as full-team buffs now properly function for all Bridge Officers, and all ranks of Melorazine.
    • The Tooltips for these Duty Officers have also been corrected.
  • The Voth Teleport / Gravity Well combo no longer ignores immunity of Attack Pattern Omega or any other teleport immunity.
  • Shield Charge – Plasma Resistance now last 5 minutes, as indicated by the tooltip.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing 360 Antiproton shuttle weapons to have a higher base damage than other energy types of 360 shuttle weapon
  • Increased the HP of Boarding Party Shuttles.
    • They were 1 HP, now they scale with the caster’s level.
    • They also now have shields.
  • Increased the HP and Shields of Ground Security team.
  • Resolved an issue with the reflect proc on Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields that was causing them to inflate the amount of damage returned to an attacker.
    • Also cleaned up the tooltip on Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields — replaced “a portion of” wording with actual reflect value.
  • Ambush Duty Officers that apply DOTs can no longer be triggered by DOT effects themselves.
  • The Psionic Assault debuff can now be cleansed.
  • Slightly increased the damage of the Tempest Tailgun.
  • Slightly increased the damage of the Dyson Proton Dual Heavy Cannon.
  • All Torpedo Spread abilities should no longer attempt to target entities that are invulnerable.
  • Resolved an issue causing the Deadly Intent Module to not work on certain weapons.
  • Resolved errors on Mark II kits where they incorrectly required the rank of Lieutenant Commander before they could be equipped.
    • Mark II kits should now be equippable by any character, regardless of rank.
  • Resolved an issue causing some R+D components to link to the incorrect recipe when clicked on in the R+D window.
  • Duty Officer Assignments now show the correct amount of Skill Points rewarded for completion.
  • Antiquated schematics from the previous crafting system now sell to vendors for 5000 Energy Credits and are Bind on Pickup.
    • Their descriptions have been updated to indicate that their only purpose in existing is to be sold to vendors for EC.
  • Completing the Mk XII Adapted M.A.C.O. Personal Armor project will now grant the correct costume unlock.
    • Players that have already completed this project should automatically receive the associated costume unlock.
  • Voth Dreadnaughts are no longer able to use their Subspace Snare ability on targets with teleport immunity, such as those affected by Attack Pattern Omega.
  • Streamlined the tooltips for the proton damage proc caused by Science Consoles obtained from Dyson Joint Command reputation.
    • This is a text change only.
  • Resolved an issue where some crafted items were incorrectly displaying higher than normal stats.
    • The items listed below should now display the correct values:
      • Omni-Directional Beam Array, All Energy Types.
      • Wide Arc Dual Heavy Cannon, All Energy Types.


  • The Galaxy Map has been updated!
    • It received a significant artistic overhaul.
    • The Delta Quadrant has been expanded to include new locations.
    • The Klingon and Federation Fleet Starbase locations have been added to the new Galaxy map.
  • Added a new feature: Defeated Recap.
    • This is a small window which appears upon being defeated.
    • It will show information about the power that defeated the player.
      • Eg: Gorn Mining Vessel deals 9001 Kinetic Damage to you with Mining Laser.
  • Resolved an issue where the Pitch Up and Pitch Down commands were labeled incorrectly in the Keybinds window.
  • Tooltips for rewards have been restored on the Duty Officer Assignment details page.

Known Issues:

  • The following PVE queues are temporarily unavailable:
    • Azure Nebula Rescue
    • Khitomer Vortex
    • No Win Scenario
    • Storming the Spire
    • The Vault Shuttle Event
  • Fleet projects that require items such as Photon Torpedoes will not accept the required items to complete the project.
  • Some ship consoles cannot be reclaimed in the Reclaim Store once the ship is upgraded.
  • The Vaadwaur missile in The Battle of Korfez has incorrect art.
  • The new Intel power Kinetic Magnet does not function properly on all items.