-I.D.I.C- Klingon Imperial Empire 3rd Anniversary Event – Oct 25th t0 26th 2014


-I.D.I.C- Klingon Imperial Empire 3rd Anniversary Event

Attention all -I.D.I.C-: U.F.P, K.I.E, R.R and =INTER-FLEET= Alumni.

Join us on the weekend of October 25th and 26th at 5pm (GMT+10) for the -I.D.I.C- KIE Anniversary Event.

Our Klingon anniversary is traditionally the 10th of October, we will be celebrating on the 25th & 26th due to the launch of Delta Rising. After a quick ceremony at Starbase Neithy on the 25th we will be warping to Risa for a long overdue catch-up and party. We will also be celebrating on the 26th for those that cant attend on the 25th.

This is a chance to see old friends and reconnect with your -I.D.I.C- Comrades.
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Everyone is invited to the events and I’m counting on all of our alumni to spread the word to former members, =INTER-FLEET= and beyond.

I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you as we can muster.

See you… Out There….

M.G. Klingon Defense Force. Klingon Imperial Empire. Caretaker of -I.D.I.C-