Final Fantasy FFXIV (14) Review

by Adventure Cat,
for the Guild Alliance.

Story: From the storylines I’ve read through during my characters story progression, they are decent story’s, but seemed to be targeted for the age range of 10 to 15 year olds as far as plot goes. However for anime fans it’s normal and how we generally spend out TV time.

Now mind you, I did come from Star Trek, Online and Star Wars, The Old Republic before trying this game, so I’m used to voiced dialogue for cut scenes. FFXIV had some voiced over but very few for the amount of conversations they gave to read. I ended up skipping through some of them with the side quests as It became dull after the 10th, 11th time etc.
Art: The art in the game was great, it’s anime on it’s finest scale. The detail, especially in the background would be equal to that of Disney’s CG animations. Every object you carry or interact with has very fine detail in it too, I was impressed!

Customization: It is about the same as SWTOR in the level of customization, slightly more facial features like 2 different colored eyes and stuff, but not bad or great. The clothing…sigh, they do limit your outfits greatly. Unless you can afford or make your own outfits, you can get stuck with some really crumby designs.  Not to mention the game seems to be centered around feminine looks, even for guys! Now I will give them, the armor sets can look good, but the general given outfits are very girly!…even for guys! Later in the high level category and end game you can craft or buy some cool outfit, but your basically stuck with slim pickings in what they give you while leveling.


Controls: The controls and setup are put together real well, if you arrange your power buttons in a comfortable position you can breeze through a fight without breaking  sweat. The camera angles can get a bit pinched in some dungeons, but other then that it’s very user friendly, and responds well.

Chat: The chat system is a disaster, a confusing mess that requires patience and direct understanding, in order to make it work. When the tutorial explains it, make sure you pay very close attention! Instead of having an auto translation setup, you have to go through a series of controls to say something everyone can understand during a language barrier issue. Japanese text will pop up on your screen un translated, and the players will get easily aggravated if you are unable to understand them. Bring TeamSpeak or Skype with you if you play!!

Forums: The forums are generally friendly, there are squabbles now and again but the atmosphere is adversarial like the STO one. They also allow for players to post videos, gifs, images etc. The staff responds quickly too when asked something, the Moderators don’t talk as much on this forum but they are still there and helpful when asked for.

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Make sure you also choose the correct server, if you choose a Japanese one, and don’t understand Kanji, you will be rudely asked to leave and mocked by anyone in shouting distance of the body snatcher scream from the one who discovered the outsider, lol. They are very territorial in those servers!

Now that being said, from what I have seen there, the chat box is never nasty or obscene, they never troll or act inappropriate, this crowd seems to be considerably more dignified then your average MMORPG player base.

Teaming/Raids: Now keep in mind this is mainly a team oriented  game, very social in design. If you don’t have a guild or friends to join you, you will get bored fast! In fact I would warn new players looking for a game, to make sure you know people in the game or are going to join along with some others otherwise you will end up disappointed. The queued missions are your standard pug runs, they go by much better if you have friends or guild mates, language barriers can sometimes be an issue but it never really harmed any of the raids I joined.

Events: Technically I was here for one major event, the 1st anniversary celebration. It lasted an entire month, and they gave away tons of stuff, and sold items and costumes at specialty vendors very cheap so that even a new player could buy everything. They went completely out of their way and put together one of the best and most generous events I’d ever seen in a MMO. They even had extra contests on the forums for more prizes. It was a blast!


Maturity: Even though the plots center around a child’s general interest in themes and story, the anime mischief and mature additions can make this game too racy for young players. In addition the dialogue contains much swearing.

Gameplay in General: It can be a fun game, but it is a grind and repetitious when crafting and leveling. What you have here is an anime World of Warcraft, plain and simple. While there I did enjoy myself and had a good laugh playing with the anime emotes. If you are geared up decently and have a good party, your raids will be fun, fast and rewarding. It is highly recommended for big anime fans, but not so much for solo players or traditional MMO runners.

You can catch up with Adventure Cat’s artwork, stories and reviews on his Deviantart page and his videos on YouTube.