Borg Disconnected

By LaughingTrendy
Tue 02 Sep 2014 12:00:00 PM PDT

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Borg Disconnected is the first queue available to players in Delta Rising. It will be made available to all players who are level 50 and above.

After the Borg Queen’s defeat, the Borg were sent into disarray. Many Borg were disconnected from the Collective and began to have thoughts of their own. Some of these Borg were put down, while many others gained control of entire ships, their intent being to find those who freed them and join their cause.

The Borg Queen, however, is not so easily defeated. She was revived in another Unimatrix located within the Delta Quadrant and put her plan into action to reunite the Borg. Once, the Borg Queen would have destroyed an entire ship to get rid of one Borg, but she no longer has the luxury of expendable ships with the Undine and Voth attacking them.

Instead, the Borg Queen had a safety measure uploaded to all Borg Ships. Any ships containing one disconnected Borg would have their controls taken away and be set on a course to the closest Unimatrix. The goal – to reassimilate all disconnected Borg.

The Borg cooperative has located the Unimatrix where the Borg Queen is reassimilating ships containing disconnected Borg. Now, they need the help of the Alliance to keep the Borg free and to once again put a stop to the Borg Queen.

The Alliance will find, however, that there are more factions in the Delta Quadrant that seek the total destruction of the Borg, including those who may serve as allies to the Alpha Quadrant Alliance…

Check out Borg Disconnected when it comes to live servers with Delta Rising, and be on the lookout for it coming to Tribble soon!


Sean “Commander Ander” McCann
Content Designer
Star Trek Online