Bungie Weekly Update – 08/22/2014


by DeeJ


This week at Bungie, we entered the home stretch.

Have we said that before? Feels like it. The development of Destiny has been a race with many milestones. All along the way, there was always a feeling that this team was sprinting from one finish line to the next. Another new build. A live fire exercise with friends and family. A mass public showcase.

Now, we’re very close to launch – the final weeks. This next milestone carries a heavier weight of finality. Destiny is Gold. Discs are being pressed and packed into crates. Destiny is done, in some respects. Even now, so close to the end, it still feels like we’re just getting started.

Have we said that before, too? As the saying goes: This is not even our final form. Though Destiny may be basking in the gold light of release, we’re already looking ahead to the next milestone, and the next one after that.

So, the launch of Destiny on September 9th is an end, but it is also a beginning. How we’ll keep things lively on the frontier is a longer conversation – the sort of thing you could base an entire discussion around – a conversation that we hope is long and fruitful and just getting started in its own right.


One last stop before we go.

We’ve been just about everywhere to talk about Destiny. Strangely enough, we have yet to make a proper show of it in our own back yard. Next weekend, we plan to make up for that.

Ah, PAX. The Seattle Convention Center is an intimate venue. We’re looking forward to stepping out of the limelight and into something a little more subdued. Something small and quiet. In years past, you might have found us shaking hands and brandishing prop weapons in the sculpture garden. Maybe you ended up on a romantic rooftop with us, chatting and checking out one of Seattle’s legendary late summer skyboxes. This time, we’re settling down for a proper panel discussion.

Join us: Sunday, August 31st, High Noon.

Design Lead Luke Smith will be moderating a conversation about boosting Destiny into orbit, and keeping it there for the months and years that follow. Technical Art Director Ryan Ellis will provide a look back at how we built these brave new worlds. Design Lead M.E. Chung and Engineering Lead Luke Timmins will contribute a look forward at how we intend to keep those worlds alive with action and danger and rewards. We’ll be talking about the journey we’ve completed, and christen the one that we’re about to begin with you.

If you think you might visit our chat at PAX, make sure you wear something nice. If you come dressed as a character from Destiny, we might draft you into service with our honor guard. If you need some inspiration, we’ve got you covered. If you need some help, or just want to tell us to keep an eye out for you, we’ve set up a group for you to use. We’re assembling Fireteamsto keep watch over the event.
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Step forth and be counted.


Launch Preparedness.

So what’s left to do? Good pre-flight is all about checklists. Let’s count down some of the things that will happen between now and launch. Check out the roster of needful things, sorted in chronological order. There are some boxes for you to check as well.

Today, two volunteer forces that call Bungie.net home will be recruiting new members. The Ninjas and the Mentors both make the health of our community their personal responsibility. They have their own missions and their own leadership. They have selected their reinforcements through due process and fierce debate. Could it be that you were chosen to answer their call? Check your inbox. They are now free to transmit the old Accept/Reject query.

This weekend, we’re going to start testing the launch version of Destiny. We know you’d love to help, but this golden moment is meant for us alone. Don’t be too jealous, because we’ll wipe our Guardians one more time before you get to meet them. Ogle our activity status all you like, but please understand that we’re preparing the launch pad for you in private.

Several times before Day One, we’ll update Bungie.net so that it can serve as the philosophical center of the City. If you intend to play Destiny, you’ll want to link your gaming account to a login here. If you’re already linked up, you’re golden. If you’re so hardcore that you’ve chosen a team…

Clan members will need to reaffirm their allegiance after September 9th. We’re not breaking up Clans – just severing their ties to the Beta. Once Destiny launches, your ranks will need to reset a Group as their Clan. Oaths you have taken will be taken again.

We mentioned PAX. We’ll be around. Catch us if you can. Wear a carnation, or a sick helmet. See you in one week.

Watch this space for updates. There are fun stunts in the works, but nothing solid enough to describe yet. We still need for people to review this game, and cast their expert score in stone. That’s not likely to happen until they see how the launch goes. Destiny is not just a game, it’s a shared journey. To judge that, it will need to begin. As you take your first steps into the Tower, many eyes will be watching. Make us look good!

Perhaps you’ll even be invited to come and hang with us as the real fun begins. Yes, you.


The Bucket stops here.

The blood of the Internet can run ice cold at times. Lately, though, it has flowed from warmed hearts. You gotta hand it to the people at the ALS Association. They put a great cause in all of our crosshairs and cooled off a bunch of cyber-hotheads in the process.

It’s our turn. Thanks for calling us… uhh, the Ghost out, Curposmen. We’re paying it forward. Even in the midst of standing up a rocket and prepping it to fly, there’s always time for the people on our team to make the world a more hopeful place by extracting some love from our game.

Of course, this stunt is being followed up by donations from Bungie. If you’re a member of the Bungie Community, you have yet to be singled out, and if you want to, feel free to post a self-dousing to celebrate your own contributionin the comments below. Or, help yourself to something in the Bungie Store. From now until launch, we’re sharing the proceeds with people who are making a difference.

Of course, you should also feel free to donate directly at alsa.org. No brain freeze required.