Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR guild ships



My first surprise when seeing the guild capital ship was its size, or rather its model. I was honestly thinking that it would be a Gage-class cruiser like the Black Talon, but no. BioWare gave us the biggest ship in the game: a Harrow-class Dreadnought. Raiders and players running flashpoints are familiar with the Ziost Shadow. The ship is that size; in fact, the bridge is exactly the same and equally impressive.

The guild capital ship is truly amazing and exactly what I would want in a command center for a guild. The decorating hooks are huge and plentiful. To top it off, you can travel from planet to planet, giving your guild buffs for its adventures.

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There are two arguments made by those people who believe that 50 million credits is just right. And although I will not defer to their point of view, I don’t want to completely discount it either.

First, they believe that 50 million is not as hard to come by as players are making it out to be. The argument states players can make about a million a week doing dailies if they did so nearly every day. A guild of 10 could have 50 million in five weeks. In the grand scheme of things, that isn’t a long time. I see the point, and I agree that it works on paper. But in reality, players will not stick to something that is unfun everyday for five weeks, no matter the drive. Most will give up completely, if they even have time in the first place.

The second, albeit weaker, argument is that players want things handed to them. While this argument is partially true — I’m sure there are some players who want everything to be easy — the majority of players that I know who say that the 50 million bar is set far too high argue that it shouldn’t be that much of a struggle to get the ship; instead, it should be more of a struggle to grow the ship.

There are five levels on the capital ship, six if you count the officers’ quarters, which are automatically unlocked. Each of these floors has multiple rooms that require 5 million credits and at least 2 frameworks (a conquest item) to unlock. All told, it will cost 75 million credits and 54 frameworks to unlock all the additional rooms for the guild capital ship on top of the 50 million to start.

Most who argue that 50 million is too high a barrier would say that 75 million for the additional rooms would be too low for the other 15 rooms. I agree. If BioWare wants it to cost 125 million total to unlock the whole ship, it should lower the initial cost to 25 million and the other rooms to about 7 million each. Problem solved, and in the end, the much-needed credit sink would be even more effective.