Release Notes: July 22, 2014

By CaptainSmirk Mon 21 Jul 2014 03:23:03 PM PDT


  • It is now possible to search for Ultra Rare items in the Exchange.
  • Removed Dilithium vendors from New Romulus Command and Dyson Sphere Joint Command.
  • Resolved an issue which occasionally caused a map to crash.


  • Research and Development:
    • Resolved an issue which was allowing players to run multiple Research Training projects from the same school simultaneously.
      • Only 1 Research Training project can be run at a time per school.
    • Resolved an issue where the XP for the R&D Research Project tasks would display as zero in the list of R&D tasks.
    • Resolved an issue where the UI would not scroll to the last selected R&D task.
    • Resolved an issue where the R&D experience progress bars would be empty upon reaching Level 20.
  • Duty Officer updates:
    • It is now possible to sort and filter Duty Officers for assignments within the selection popup.
    • Resolved an issue which was causing some old Duty Officer assignments to remain stuck in the Completed phase.
    • Addressed an issue that prevented Betreka Nebula Duty Officer assignments from appearing.
    • All KDF Xindi Duty Officers can now be assigned to Active Duty, and used on Assignments.
    • Addressed an issue that made the Eridan Belt in the Iota Pavonis sector block Duty Officer assignments only usable by one person at a time.
    • Replaced references to “Particle Traces” on certain Astrometrics Duty Officers with references to “R&D Materials” as appropriate.
    • Numerous updates have been made to add scrollbars and adjust some sizing in the Duty Officer UI.
  • The Vicious and Impatient traits for Xindi Bridge Officers are now properly working while in Ground and Space combat, respectively.
  • Xindi Lock Box Traits:
    • Vicious:
      • Damage Bonus per stack reduced from 2% to 1.5%
      • Crit Severity per stack reduced from 10% to 6%
    • Intense Focus:
      • Accuracy Bonus per stack reduced from 2% to 1.5%
      • Shield Penetration per stack reduced from 2% to 1.5%
    • Momentum:
      • Turn Rate per stack reduced from 3% to 2.5%
      • Flight Speed per stack reduced from 3% to 2.5%
    • Pattern Recognition:
      • Defense Bonus per stack reduced from 2% to 1.5%
      • Shield Hardness per stack reduced from 2% to 1.5%
      • Replaced “Resilience” with “Hardness” in tooltip.
        • This effect reduces the damage dealt to the shields when they block damage done to your hull.
  • Xindi-Aquatic Mobulai Frigates are now available in Very Rare and Ultra Rare qualities.

Known Issues:

  • Research and Development:
    • Dynamic consoles, personal shields, and ground armor are not seen in the fast equip window.
    • “Overload” Beam Array affix proc drains weapon power.
    • Aegis Set:
      • Aegis Set: Energy Feedback Conductor procs Inspirational Leader trait.
      • Aegis 3pc power CD is reduced by Aux2Bat Technician Duty Officer proc.
  • Vicious Trait tooltip still shows 10% crit severity per stack, but it now gives 6%.
  • Occasionally, players will not be able to start eligible Duty Officer Assignments.
  • KDF Bortasqu’ Belt vanishes below the upper when Stomach slider is at minimum.
  • Bortasqu’ and Bortasqu’ Long Uppers lack Emblem and Badge drop-downs.

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