Release Notes: July 17, 2014

By LaughingTrendy Wed 16 Jul 2014 05:23:42 PM PDT

New Feature:

Revamped Crafting System “Research and Development”:

  • The new Research and Development system will allow Captains to use materials they’ve gathered throughout the galaxy along with Duty Officers to create powerful gear to use.
  • Captains will craft items through 7 schools, using Duty Officers to complete projects as well as increase the chance of creating higher quality items.
  • The R&D system unlocks at level 15.
    • Players that unlock the R&D system will automatically receive a package of supplies and introductory Duty Officers designed specifically for crafting.
      • These crafting Duty Officers have no traits or active roster abilities.
    • A captain’s skill at making items depends on the level in the school from which the captain is crafting and the difficulty of the task depends on the level of item trying to be created.
      • As long as all materials are present, captains can try to create Mark XII items at School Level 1 but the chance of creating a Very Rare will be nonexistent due to the task’s high difficulty with a low starting skill.
      • As captains progress by crafting items, Skill Rating increases, causing the overall quality of the items crafted to increase on average.
    • Reaching level 15 in a school unlocks new, unique schematics for each school.
      • These advanced schematics create Very Rare quality items on a standard success, and Ultrarare quality items on a critical success.
    • Crafted Items of Blue or higher quality will often replace one standard “item mod” with a special “item mod” that is only available on crafted items.
      • For instance, creating a Dual Cannon of Blue or Higher quality can yield an item with the “Rapid” mod, giving every shot that weapon fires a chance of enabling Cannon Rapid Fire for a short period of time.
    • Crafting Schools include the following types of items:
      •  Beams:
        • Beam Arrays and Dual Beam Banks
        • Beam Damage Consoles  and Energy Damage Consoles
        • Dilithium Components – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait:  Beam Barrage
          • On activating a Beam-enhancing Bridge Officer Ability, gain 2% Beam damage for 20 seconds.
            • Stacks up to 3 times
          • Unlocks at School Level 15
      • Cannons:
        • Dual Cannons, Turrets, Single Cannons, Dual Heavy Cannons
        • Cannon Damage Consoles and Energy Damage Consoles
        • Dilithium Components  – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait: Deft Cannoneer
          • On activating a Cannon-enhancing Bridge Officer Ability, gain +1 Turn Rate, +1 Inertia for 20 seconds.
            • Stacks up to 3 times.
          • Unlocks at School Level 15
      • Projectiles:
        • Torpedoes and Mines
        •  Projectile Damage Consoles
        • Dilithium Components  – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait: Kinetic Precision
          • Your Torpedoes and Mines penetrate an extra 10% of your target’s shields
          •  Unlocks at School Level 15
      • Shields & Arrays
        • Space Shields
        • Ground Shields
        • Dilithium Components  – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait: Inelastic Collisions
          • Activating a Shield Heal gives the target 99% Shield DR for 1 second
          • Unlocks at School Level 15
      • Science:
        • Deflectors
        • Science Consoles
        • Dilithium Components  – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait: Particle Manipulator
          • Your Exotic Damage abilities gain up to a 25% critical chance, based on your skill in Particle Generators.
          • Unlocks at School Level 15
      • Engineering:
        • Impulse Engines, Warp Cores, Singularity Cores, Ground Armor
        • Engineering Consoles
        • Dilithium Components  – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait: Give Your All
          • Activating any Engineering Bridge Officer ability gives 20% damage reduction to incoming damage for 3 seconds.
          •  Unlocks at School Level 15
      • Ground Weapons:
        • Basic Ground Weapons
        • Advanced Ground Weapons
        • Dilithium Components  – Unlocks at School Level 5
        • Trait: Penetrating Rounds
          • All of your ground weapon attacks ignore 10 armor rating.
          • Unlocks at School Level 15
  • Components are required to build items.
    • Components are built from Materials.
    • Materials are found throughout the galaxy on harvesting nodes in both Ground and Space missions.
      • Press “V” on any map to scan for the nearest harvesting node.
    • Materials can also be collected through Duty Officer assignments and PVE Queues.
    • All Components and Materials can be traded or put up on the exchange.
  • The following is a list of each general type of recipe that can be created, and which Duty Officer needed to slot to make that kind of item.
    • All Schools:
      • Energy Credit Components
        • Fabrication Engineer
      • Dilithium Components
        • Matter-Antimatter Specialist
    • Beam School:
      • Beam Weapons
        • Energy Weapon Officer
      • Consoles
        • Technician
    • Cannon School:
      • Cannon Weapons
        • Energy Weapon Officer
      • Consoles
        • Technician
    • Shield/Arrays:
      • Space Shields
        • Shield Distribution Officer
      • Ground Shields
        • Assault Squad Officer
      • Consoles
        • Systems Engineer
    • Projectiles:
      • Torpedoes
        • Projectile Weapons Officer
      • Mines
        • Armory Officer
      • Projectile Consoles
        • Security Officer
    • Engineering:
      • Impulse Engines
        • Systems Engineer
      • Warp Core
        • Warp Core Engineer
      • Ground Armor
        • Security Officer
      • Singularity Core
        • Warp Theorist
      • Engineering Console
        • Damage Control Engineer
    • Science:
      • Deflectors
        • Deflector Officer
      • Science Consoles
        • Research Lab Scientist
    • Ground:
      • Ground Weapons
        • Assault Squad Officer
  • R&D material reward packs have been added to all PVE queued content.
    • Normal queued events will reward a “Normal Queue Crafting Material Reward Package” in addition to the standard rewards.
      • This pack includes a random combination of Common, Uncommon, and Rare materials.
    • Elite queued events will reward an “Advanced Queue Crafting Material Reward Package” in addition to the standard rewards.
      • This pack includes a random combination of Common, Uncommon, Rare and sometimes Very Rare materials.
        • The Very Rare material is determined by the type of queue, ground or space, and what enemy players are facing.
  • Old Data Samples which were required in numerous Fleet projects have been replaced by new crafting materials.
    • For already slotted projects which required the old Data Samples, no progress will be lost as adding new crafting materials will continue the progress.
      • Any project which previously required Data Samples now requires the same amount of Raw Materials.
        • The fleet credit return for each item input has not changed.
      • Any project which previously required Particle Traces now requires 5x that amount of Raw Materials.
        • The fleet credit return for each item input has been reduced on these projects, to match the return from Raw Materials in other projects.
  • School Specialist Duty Officers are now available through Duty Officer Missions in-game.
    • These officers are required in order to craft some of the highest-skill items in each R&D School.
    • Each School Specialist will have one R&D School, in addition to their standard Specialization.
      • They also have a full complement of traits and active roster abilities, allowing them to remain functional as Duty Officers beyond just the R&D system.
    • These officers have been added to all C-Store Duty Officer Cadre Packs.
      • This also applies to existing ones already purchased but not yet unpacked.
      • They can also be obtained rarely as a reward for running the “Request R&D Assistance” Duty Officer Assignment, newly available at the Academy or Starbase Recruiter.
        • This assignment rewards Materials and Components in addition to a small chance at School Specialists and Catalysts.
  • All crafting vendors have been shut down.
    • Crafting can now be done at any time through the new R&D system.
  • The Hargh’Peng Torpedo Launcher is no longer attainable through the R&D system.
    • It has been added as a reward to the KDF mission “A House Pursued”.


  • The “Odyssey Basics” and “Bortasqu’ Basics” costumes are now available to all players, for free.
    • As such, the “Odyssey Basics” and “Bortasqu’ Basics” costume unlock options have been removed from the Fleet Tailor.
    • Two new Odyssey Uniform variants can now be purchased at the Fleet Tailor for Federation fleets that have unlocked it: “Odyssey Tactical” and “Odyssey Dress”.
      • Each of these new unlocks costs half as much as the previously available “Odyssey Basics”.
      • Players that already owned the “Odyssey Basics” costume unlock will be able to obtain the appropriate new costume unlocks free of charge.
    • Three new Bortasqu’ uniform variants can now be purchased at the Fleet Tailor for Klingon fleets that have unlocked it: “Bortasqu’ Ceremonial”, “Bortasqu’ Guardian”, and “Bortasqu’ Operative”.
      • Each of these new unlocks cost slightly less than one-third as much as the previously available “Bortasqu’ Basics”.
      • Players that already owned the “Bortasqu’ Basics” costume unlock will be able to obtain the appropriate new costume unlocks free of charge.
    • Starfleet Bridge Officers will have to access to the Odyssey Uniform as well.
    • Romulans may purchase Bridge-Officer Only versions of any of the above new Costume Unlocks for a lesser price.
      • These costumes can only be used on Bridge Officers from their ally’s faction.
    • Added “Long Jacket” versions of both the Odyssey and Bortasqu’ uniforms to the 200-day Veteran Rewards.
    • All Starfleet NPC officers are now wearing the Odyssey uniform.
  • KDF captains now have access to visit Risa all year long:
    • KDF captains must be at least level 10.
    • KDF captains must have access to the Sirius Sector Block which can be gained in 1 of 2 ways:
      • Unlocking it through Marauding Commendation XP.
      • Completing the episode “Surface Tension”.
    • The Summer Event missions will not be available once the event is over but players are able to use their floaters, powerboards, and swimwear on this map.
  • The Exchange:
    • Kit Modules now have their own search category in the Exchange.
    • Added an R&D Materials search category to the Exchange.
    • Added an R&D Components search category to the Exchange.
    • The Data Samples search category has been removed from the Exchange.
  • Male Borg Liberated captains now have a bare feet option when wearing the Risa Beachcomber outfit.
  • More gray color selections have been added to Liberated Borg feet options.
  • Female captains now have access to the Jem’Hadar hip pouch.
    • The Jem’Hadar ground costume set must be unlocked on the character first.
  • Resolved numerous issues which were causing body parts to become invisible when wearing some EV suits.
  • Resolved an issue which was blocking KDF captains from being able to modify Enemy faction Bridge Officer uniforms.
  • The issues with color linking between upper and lower pieces on the Romulan KDF costume have been resolved.
  • Resolved a few issues with Trill necklines which were causing necks to not match chests and allowing unrestricted colors for Chest and Hips.
  • The Queue ready notification popup now plays a short sound effect when it appears.


  • Pricing for items has been normalized.
    • This means that the disparity in value between weapons and non-weapon items has been removed.
      • Space weapons are now priced HIGHER.
      • Deflectors, shields, impulse engines, and warp cores are now priced LOWER.
      • Ground weapons are now priced HIGHER.
      • Ground armor is now priced LOWER.
      • Kit frames are now priced LOWER.
      • Ground items still have a lower value than space items.
        • Ground combat tends to be faster and involve more creatures, which means more items are gained in the same amount of time.
  • Pricing rebalance for Reputation and Fleet items:
    • Mk 12 Space Items, except consoles, in Reputation Store systems costs 22,500 Dilithium.
    • Mk 12 Ground Items in Reputation Store systems costs 7,500 Dilithium.
    • Reputation Space Set Items cost 32,500 Dilithium.
    • Reputation Ground Set items cost 9,000 Dilithium.
    • Fleet Advanced Gear is 10,000 Dilitihum for Space items.
    • Fleet Advanced Gear is 3,750 Dilithium for Ground items.
    • Fleet Elite Gear is 15,000 Dilithium for Space Items.
    • Fleet Elite Gear is 5,000 Dilithium for Ground Items in addition to fleet credits in all cases of fleet gear.
    • Consoles:
      • Consoles will cost 7,300 Dilithium for Mk 12 Space Items
      • Consoles will cost 6,100 Dilithium for Mk 10 Ground Items.
      • Consoles will cost 6,800 Dilithium for Mk 11 Ground Items.
      • These Console prices will be for all Reputation and Fleet stores.
    • Prices on Borg prosthetic arm guns and Duty Officers are unchanged.
  • Powers:
    • All Consoles which increase damage for Cannon Weapons now also affect Turrets.
    • The Secondary firing mode on Counter-Command Bio-Molecular Rifles will no longer detonate multiple times if line-of-sight is broken during the firing cycle.
    • The Ionized Particle Beam can now be equipped on the Mirror Universe Mogai Warbird.
    • Orion Females now include aspects of the Required Trait previously known as “Seductive”.
      • The benefits provided by this power are now a permanent part of Orion Females, and is included in the Species basic description to reflect this.
    • Weapons Malfunction will only apply Malfunction Resistance if the target did not already have Resistance at the time of application.
    • Enhanced Induction Coils:
      • No longer shares a cooldown with Batteries.
      • Now effects Auxiliary subsystems in the same manner as existing Weapons/Engines bonuses.
      • Now grants Immunity to Weapons, Engines and Aux offline for full duration.
      • Now grants +10 Maximum Weapon, Engines and Aux power for full duration.
      • Increased base power bonus from 33 to 50, and gains additional benefit from the Starship Batteries skill.
      • Base duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds, but now gains more benefit from Starship Batteries skill.
      • Enhanced Induction Coils AND Enhanced Plasma Manifold:
        • Boosts to max power do not stack with the passive bonuses supplied by Warp Cores.
          • Only the higher will apply.
    • Nanoenergy Cells:
      • Nanoenergy Cells now work with all Ground Weapons instead of only Jem’Hadar Ground Weapons.
      • Standardized the mechanics of Nanoenergy Cells
        • All stack to 100.
        • None of them can be sold to vendors.
        • All work with any ground weapons now, instead of only Jem’Hadar weaponry.
        • Updated all descriptions to reflect updated functionality and unify wording among all variations.
      • Obtaining the “Jem’Hadar Nanoenergy Cell Recipes” from completing the mission “Second Wave” will now unlock 3 new recipes in the Ground School of the new R&D system, one for each of the Nanoenergy Cells.
        • Players that have already received this item will see the recipes automatically without needing to replay the mission.
        • These weapon enhancements require level 5 in the Ground R&D School before they can be crafted.
  • Players that possess Unreplicateable Materials may now use these items to open a Conversion Store.
    • This store will allow them to sell back Common Unreplicateable Materials for 10 REFINED Dilithium each, and Uncommon for 1000 REFINED Dilithium each.
    • Either may be purchased in bulk in batches of up to 100 at a time.
  • Aegis Set:
    • Aegis Technologies Set:
      • All set pieces are now Mk XII instead of Leveless.
        • This has the effect of making the bonuses fixed at a higher value than previously available, but they no longer scale.
      • All set pieces now require level 50 to equip.
    • Aegis Hyper-Impulse Engines:
      • The former 2-piece Set Bonus Thoron Distortion Field is now a base aspect of the Aegis Engines.
    • Aegis Deflector Array:
      • No specific changes
    • Aegis Covariant Shield Array:
      • Previous skill bonuses have been replaced with direct increases to the stats they previously affected.
        • This means increased Shield Power and Shield Capacity.
      • Added a ResAll Mod.
      • The former 3-piece Set Bonus Adaptive Shielding is now a base aspect of the Aegis Shield.
    • Aegis Set Bonuses: NEW!
      • 2-Piece Set Bonus – “Energy Negation”: Passive
        • Once every 30 seconds, players will be immune to incoming damage for 0.2 seconds.
      • 3-Piece Set Bonus – “Energy Feedback Conductor”: Toggle, 10 second Duration
        • +100 All Energy Resistance Rating, Reduce Shield Damage by 30%.
        • Gain +2% Bonus Energy Damage each second if hit, for up to 10 seconds.
  • Duty Officers:
    • The Marauding Assignment “Break Into Memory Alpha’s Computer Network” is now disabled, and will no longer appear in any availability lists.
      • Any players with this assignment in progress will find it completed immediately, and rewards have been altered to match “Raid on Research Facility.”
    • All assignments which rewarded Data Samples will now reward new crafting materials.
  • Resolved a number of level discrepancies showing up on Fabrication Modules of all ranks.
    • They now summon turrets/drones of the correct levels, and all tooltips are now accurately reflecting those levels.
  • Removed non-specialty items from the Dilithium store.
    • The D-store button on the UI will still link to a store that sells specialty items such as Special Items, EV Suits, and Reclaim.
      • Players can also still access the Dilithium Exchange through the D-Store button.
    • Vendors that formerly sold these items for Dilithium in the game on ESD, Qo’noS, Ganalda, K7, Gamma Orionis fleet no longer offer a contact.
      • The vendor is still there but no longer has a store or a dialog.
  • Soliton Wave Generator has been added to Dilithium Reclaim store.
    • Captain must own the Risian Luxury Yacht to access it.
  • Metaphasic Shield Array-S has been added to Dilithium Reclaim store.
    • Captain must own the Ferengi Na’Far Shuttle to access it.
  • Tuned behavior of Scimitars that appear in queued events so that they cloak far less frequently.
  • Resolved a display issue on the Assimilated Set that was causing it to display two Deflector Arrays as belonging in the set.


  • Dilithium has been added to the rewards in the missions for the following zones:
    • New Romulus
    • Dyson Sphere Space Adventure Zone
    • Defera Invasion
    • Nukara Invasion
  • Star Cluster maps are no longer available to access for all factions.
    • The associated Exploration missions have also been removed.
    • Captains can still conduct Duty Officer Assignments related to these maps by flying to the appropriate border and interact with the special Duty Officer Assignment interacts.
      • For instance, in the Sirius sector block, captains can fly to the northwest area labeled “Delta Volanis Cluster” and will be able to pick up special Duty Officer Assignments related to the cluster there.
    • Any player in these maps prior to the update will be moved out of the map upon logging in.
    • The Tuffli Freighter and the Suliban ships will transwarp captains to the associated cluster map Duty Officer interact location.
    • Completing Duty Officer Assignments in the various Star Cluster border interacts will now offer credit toward completing the exploration accolades associated with those Star Clusters.
      • Credit previously earned for playing exploration missions is kept.
        • Completing Duty Officer Assignments adds to any credit already earned.
      • Accolades already completed are kept.
  • Memory Alpha is now closed.
    • Players on this map prior to the update will be transported off the map immediately after loading in.
  • Updated the reward for the KDF mission “A House Pursued”.
    • Captains will now receive a Hargh’Peng Torpedo Launcher upon completion of this mission.
    • Captains who have already played this mission may replay it to acquire the Hargh’Peng.
  • Addressed an issue in “Colony Invasion” that could cause players not to get credit when beaming out diplomats.
  • Several Duty Officer Assignments, such as “Participate in Colonial Assessment” and “Offer Asylum on Earth,” will now appear on the new Earth Spacedock map.
    • These assignments are ones that were on the old Earth Spacedock map.


  • Numerous ships have been added to the ship costume creator:
    • Ar’kala
    • Armitage
    • Avenger
    • Aventine
    • Bellerophon
    • Caprimul
    • Ch’Tang
    • Charal
    • Chontay
    • D’Ridthau
    • D’Gavama
    • Dhael
    • Dyson ships
    • Elachi Battleship
    • Exeter
    • Falchion
    • Galaxy Class ships
    • Gladius
    • Haakona
    • Harpia
    • Helios
    • Khyzon
    • Koro’t’inga
    • Krenn
    • Kumari
    • M’Char
    • Montgomery
    • MoQ
    • Ning’tao
    • Omega
    • Puyjaq
    • Rademaker
    • Regent
    • Rhode Island
    • Sao Paulo
    • Scimitar
    • SuQob
    • Ta’Sub
    • Talvath
    • Tempest
    • Thunderchild
    • Tulwar
    • Tyton
    • Valdore
    • Venture
    • Vesta
    • Vor’Kang
    • Yamaguchi
  • Fleet material options have been added to existing Fleet ship classes.
  • Mirror Universe material options have been added to existing Mirror Universe ship classes.
  • Numerous ground uniforms have been added to the ground costume creator:
    • Bortasqu’ Variants
    • Odyssey Variants
    • TOS Medical Upper
    • TOS Dress Upper 1-3
    • TOS Tunic
  • The display names have been updated for the Akira family of ships.
  • The D’Gavama costume pieces have had their display names corrected to B’Rotlh.
  • The interact for star cluster sector doors can now be used for Foundry missions.
    • Star Cluster maps still cannot be accessed.


  • The Duty Officer UI has been updated.
    • The R&D School progress has been added to the Overview page in a button next to Commendation progress.
    • The Current Map and Personal assignment tab’s updates were made to match the style of the new R&D system.
      • Assignments listed will display more clearly the results and required components to complete the assignment.
    • The In Progress and Completed tabs updates were also made to match the style of the new R&D system.
      • Assignments listed will display more clearly the results and required components to complete the assignment.
      • A new View Details button for projects In Progress more easily shows all the information for each assignment.
    • Functionally, the options work the same as in the past.
  • The Kestrel Runabout and the Scorpion fighter both now have the Singularity UI.

Known Issues:

  • Research and Development:
    • Dynamic consoles are not seen in fast equip window.
    • “Overload” Beam Array affix proc drains weapon power.
    • All Research Projects state players gains 0 XP on the main page for each school.
      • The correct XP amount will be shown next to the “Start Task” button when choosing to begin this project.
  • There is no Sort or Filter options for Duty Officers.
  • Occasionally, players will not be able to start eligible Duty Officer Assignments.
  • KDF Bortasqu’ Belt vanishes below the upper when Stomach slider is at minimum.
  • Bortasqu’ and Bortasqu’ Long Uppers lack Emblem and Badge drop-downs.

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