Bungie Weekly Update – 07/11/2014


by Bnet Tru7h

This week at Bungie, we hosted more people on our website than we have since the days when our community stopped by to see how much ass they were kicking in Reach. This is an exciting time. Like a rocket with a favorable trajectory, the energy (and the server traffic) rises every day. We’re so close to a moment we’ve been dreaming about for years – some of us more years than others.

Let’s recount the countdown: We celebrated yet another Bungie Day. We revealed some collectibles for the Guardian that lurks deep within you, waiting to be released. We opened a window into the Destiny Beta, and started to illuminate the last mile between you and the beginning of your adventure. And the party didn’t stop there.

Those retail codes you’ve been clutching in your hot little hands have a purpose now! The next step between you and the download of the Destiny Beta is to redeem your codesand then choose a console. Have you done that? Now’s the time to sign up and be counted.

This is the main event before we unleash this game on the world. We need your help to prepare the frontier for the invasion scheduled for September 9th. You have a chance to be there before we light this candle. You’ll be able to tell people who become Guardians forever more that you were there when we were boosting for orbit.

Help is on the Way.

The Destiny Beta is a test. Make no mistake. This isn’t some circus stunt. This is science – and you’re the lab rat. Just moments ago at a Bungie team meeting, Executive Producer Patrick O’Kelley mentioned the work being done to incorporate the learnings from the Destiny Alpha. Whenever someone touches our game, it makes a difference.

We’d love to tell you that everything will go according to plan, but that wouldn’t be any fun. That wouldn’t teach us a thing. Even if the Beta is working perfectly, one of the alpha-geeks in the operations center is gonna kick it to see if it still works. Fortunately, we’ll be going to great lengths to keep you informed and keep you in the game.

When the games begin, Bungie.net will get a serious facelift. We’ll be infusing your volatile homeland in cyberspace with some new services that will let you shine a nova-hot spotlight on just how badass you’ll become. The next evolution for Bungie.net is also about support. Or should we say help?

Take note of that URL. Write it down. Bookmark it in advance. If you ever have trouble acquiring orbit over the worlds of Destiny, make that your first stop. We just might have already answered your question. I’d love to tell you we’ve thought of everything, but we wouldn’t be having a Beta if that were true.

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If all else fails, and you really need to talk to someone, allow us to introduce you to the Mentors on Bungie.net. They rule the #Support forumin these parts with an iron fist in a white glove. When it comes to questions that separate the people in our community from a good experience, we rely on the heart of a volunteer instead of an 800 number and a script.

Sound good? Then, we’ll see you in the Tower.


This is the part of the weekly update where you ask: “Do we get any new information about the game?”

And then we say “What? It was Bungie Day this week. You got a trailer and some sweet loot to collect!”

And then you say “That was days ago.”

Instead of crumpling into a defeated heap, we’re calling in reinforcements from our friends at IGN.

All month long, their IGN First coverage of Destiny will cover everything you might not know (or do know, but don’t mind having repeated in beautiful HD glory). Check it out. Here’s just a sample of the sweetness we’ve pilfered from their YouTube, in which Ryan McCaffrey and Lars Bakken train you up for the battles that await you in the Destiny Beta Crucible.

Just like the Beta, this coverage will become more elaborate the more time you spend with it.