Open BETA Live Now


We are proud to announce Transformers Universe is now Open BETA!

This means from now we’ll be welcoming brand new players into the game. All you need to do is create an account and then jump straight in to battle. We celebrated this exciting milestone all weekend long with a host of exciting events, including a Double XP weekend, a $75,000 prize pot, and a 24 hour livestream on our official Twitch channel. There’s something for new players and experienced players to look forward to!

Want to make it more exciting? We have also launched the Recruit-a-Friend system, so make sure to invite your friends into game as gaming is always more fun with friends!

The community throughout our Closed BETA period has been absolutely fantastic, providing us with great feedback. We’re looking forward to seeing new players from all around the world join us in the ongoing faction war between the Autobots and Decepticons.

We’d like to sincerely thank our current Closed BETA community for their continued support. We are still in BETA, so your continued feedback is extremely important to us to ensure your game is the best it can be.

We are sure you are all really looking forward to playing with even more players from around the world. Be sure to lookout for the gold crowns next to the names – that’ll be the Jagex team.

See you all in game soon!

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