Developer Update – Game Installer Feedback


Greetings Commander,

Firstly we’d like to say welcome to all new Transformers Universe players and also thank all those that have been playing the game over the last few weeks of the BETA. The feedback we’ve seen from everyone playing has been fantastic, and really helped us to continue to test and improve the game.

We are aware that Commanders have encountered some issues with the game and the newly released installer over the weekend – specifically when it came to logging in to the game. We believe the majority of these problems where as a result of increased traffic to the game, and the stress that we put on our servers.

Your feedback on this was important and we have now, as a direct result, made changes that we believe will dramatically improve this issue and we should have everything back to 100% shortly.

We also understand that some people are seeing issues with the newly launched game installer, specifically issues with it being treated as a virus by Norton AntiVirus. We can assure that the installer is not a virus, and we’re working with Norton AntiVirus to make sure we address this issue immediately. In the meantime if you’d like to continue playing with the game installer you can either allow it to install, or try re-downloading the new version directly from the Game Installer page, you should now be able to install without any problems.

As we’ve said, your continued support and feedback is hugely appreciated. We look forward to seeing you on the frontlines!

– TU Development Team

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