Introduction to warriors

As Commanders in the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons preparing the ideal squad is key to your success. In Transformers Universe you will need to recruit a variety of warriors to aid you in battle. Each warrior has their own strengths and weaknesses and knowing who to use – and how to use them – will make all the difference on the battlefield. To help you in this regard we’ve prepared some intel on how warriors work in Transformers Universe.

Starting out
When you first join Transformers Universe you will asked to complete a tutorial. During this tutorial you will control one of two warriors; for the Autobots you will control Monsoon and for the Decepticons you will control Rampart. Both of these are powerful soldiers who will give you the easiest introduction to the controls and combat system.

Once you complete the tutorial you will be given access to two other starter warriors; a healer and a more damage focused warrior. These warriors have been balanced to offer well rounded characters that are good to get to grips with. After you have unlocked your initial starter warriors you will need to unlock new warriors using Relics, the in-game currency of Transformers Universe. Relics can either be purchased or earned during gameplay.

Warrior Types
Each warrior fulfils a specific role in battle, from the damage dealers like Duststorm who are adept at hit-and-run, through to the healers who defend their allies with healing and buffs. Knowing how to use each type effectively will help you greatly in battle, as well as give you an idea of which playstyle is best for you.

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If you are unlucky enough to fall in battle your warrior will be taken back to the hangar for repairs. Repairs take time to complete but you can use Energon, Relics and items known as Repair Paks to speed up the process. Alternatively you can select a new warrior and jump right back into the fight.

As a commander you may want to stick to a particular theme for those under your command, be it fulfilling a specific battle role or a color scheme. Transformers Universe allows you to customize your warriors in a number of ways. You can select character resprays which will change the colors scheme of your warrior. Some characters will also have skins and bodykits in future which will change how they look completely, in some cases introducing radically different looks to the original model.

As well as fine-tuning how a character looks you can also fine-tune their stats. As you level up in game you will unlock tuning points to use on your warrior. These points will allow you to adjust the skills of your character to make them more effective in certain areas. Want to make Conduit an even better healer? Boost his repair ability! Want to make Overclock focused on removing shield, up his shield damage! All of these skills give you the freedom to make your favorite characters work best for you, though they’re weapons and equipment will still largely determine their role in battle.

Finally there are Power Cores. Power Cores are items that you can earn through gameplay or by crafting them through Engineering. They different functions which will change how your warrior plays slightly, from giving you additional hammer damage through to exploding when you are defeated and damaging all those around you. You can choose which warrior to give a power core to, but once it’s in place you won’t be able to remove it without destroying it. Power cores are unlocked after you reach level 5 and you will unlock new power core slots as you progress in the game.

If you become a Founder you will not only receive some exclusive bodykits for your warriors but you will also receive a large number of Power cores, giving you more freedom to fine tune your warriors to how you play.
It will be down to you, commander, to determine the right warrior to use and when to use them. Once you’ve recruited a new warrior to your cause it’s always worth taking them to the outer base areas and giving them some practice runs against NPCs so you can learn how best to play them. Found out more about Founders here

Tactics will always play a major role in Transformers Universe and with the warriors available to you you’ll have plenty of firepower to take on your enemy! See all of the warriors we have announced hereÂ