Bungie Weekly Update – 05/23/2014


by DeeJ

This week at Bungie, we stand on a sandy coastline to contemplate the seven seas.

“It’s like building a wall to hold back a tsunami.”

Zach Russell has a far off look in his eyes. On the Bungie org chart, his title is “The Ringmaster.” Today, as I’m sipping my coffee and listening to his wisdom, he’s looking more like the weary fisherman from “The Old Man and the Sea.”

Zach’s been spending his days thinking about what happens when hundreds of thousands of gamers come to shore, momentously, exactly as planned. He’s been here before. He can smell the shift in the currents. The sea level change is imperceptible, but he knows that each small ripple on the horizon will soon become a surge, and he knows that each surge that follows will be bigger than the next.

He keeps his feet planted. We’ve made promises. Zach’s going to help us keep them.

So, we prepare. And, we build. We simulate the storm – mapping out the paths we expect Guardians to follow when they crash against our creations. Learning to anticipate and counter the moments when they surprise us. We take our work home, burn the midnight oil. When we can, we shove off from shore in our own boats and make waves.

It’s going to be your turn soon. Perhaps even sooner than some of you might think. We’re starting to feel like we’re finally ready for you.

We’ll find out.

In Your Side.

Every day at Bungie, something surprising graces in my inbox. At this phase of development, people on our team love to call attention to their favorite things about the game, and there’s plenty to share. We even have a special email address for that. It’s always exciting to drink in a sunset from a new vantage point or behold a Guardian build with some exotic armor. Selfies at Bungie are pretty legendary these days.

For me, this act of sharing can be bittersweet. I like to share, too. I see these things, and I know that they’re not ready for public consumption. I can hear the forbidding voices in my head.

“Not yet,” they’ll say.

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Every once in a while, however, something inspires me to throw myself at the mercy of the guys who give permission to delight you with a morsel of sweet art from the game. This week, my plea was minimalist. It contained only these words:

Unexpectedly, the approvals bounced right back at me. As Destiny gets closer to being unleashed in Beta, I encounter less and less resistance to showing it off. Even the most scrutinizing artists are eager to push it out there for you to see, and dream.

So check this out.

Man, I’m a sucker for a Warlock. Check out that armor. Who wouldn’t want to be that guy? Energy crackling from your fingertips.

“This is the last time we can show Thorn,” Elliott said as he carved that screenshot into assets for the blog and our gallery (and your desktop).

“We haven’t showed it in game, yet.” I assured him.

People first saw it more than two years ago at GDC when Barrett shared some early concepts.

And we showed them Sloan Hood’s Halloween costume.

And we dragged it through customs a bunch of times.

“They’ve earned some hi-res game love after all that teasing,” I argued.

“Yeah,” Elliott agreed. “I still wish we were showing them Last Word, though.”

What’s that you ask? Last Word? A story for another time.