Bungie Weekly Update – 05/16/2014


by DeeJ

This week at Bungie, we’re paving the way to E3, and beyond.

This summer, our goal is to put this game into as many hands as we can. After all the talking (and singing and dancing) it’s finally going to be time to play.

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Every square foot of space is now devoted to these final moments. What was once a place to spar and grapple on a lunch break has become a proving ground for the game itself. (We’ve heard mixed reviews about our efforts to burn back the residual aroma of rage and sweat.) What was once an executive war room is now an arena for brave playtesters. Every hour of every day, someone somewhere – everywhere – is getting Destiny prepped for the days ahead.

Not actual screenshot. Destiny does not take place in modern day Los Angeles… Or does it? No

Far from the machinations here at the studio, other construction efforts are also underway. In Los Angeles, a Tower is being born. We’ll look out on that idyllic city for a change, and this time some of you will be beside us, not just soaking in the view from the perch, but bolstering our ranks.
Last year at E3, we pulled back the curtain and let you have a look. This year, we’re bringing consoles and controllers and letting you show us what Destiny really has in store for us. This year, it’s your turn to take to the stage.

See you at E3.