Star Trek: Axanar

Star Trek: Axanar is a ground breaking independent film that proves the idea that a studio doesn’t need to spend millions of dollars to produce a feature quality production.  Axanar will be the first non-CBS/Paramount produced Star Trek to look and feel like a true Star Trek movie.

The story of Garth of Izar, a character only seen in one episode of the original Star Trek, is one writer/producer Alec Peters first wrote 20 years ago.  It wasn’t until 3 years ago, after playing Garth in the well known Star Trek: Phase II fan film, did Alec turn the story into a screenplay.

But making a fan film was not of interest to Alec.  A veteran entrepreneur and a 2004 Ernst & Young Entreprenuer of the Year winner, Alec decided that if he was going to make Axanar, it needed to look like a real film.  So Alec recruited his good friend Christian Gossett.  A visual artist whose ground breaking graphic novel “The Red Star” includes James Cameron and Ridley Scott among his fans.  His first short film has won several awards on the film festival circuit and his second film looks like it has Oscar potential in the short film category.
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Axanar has already begun to attract attention from Star Trek fans who want to see something new and innovative that honors the Star Trek they grew up on.  If hundreds of thousands of fans are willing to see fan films that recreate TOS (The Original Series), then there is a huge appetite for something new and original and professionally made.

Axanar will start shooting in March 2014 and be released Winter 2014.

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