Is your Account Validated?

Listen up commander, war is here and you need to be prepared. The first waves of Beta sessions are happening and the war will soon reach you and we don’t want you to miss out.

If your account isn’t validated, you won’t get a call up. To have a validation email resent please login, and click on account settings. From this page, you can request a new validation email. Please make sure you check your SPAM folder for this email.

If you haven’t completed the specs collect please head here. We need to collect this to ensure that you are commander material.

When it comes to war, information is vital. If you aren’t fully briefed, the enemy will win. Keep up to date by following our Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Youtube channels.

Keep an eye on your inbox as you never know when your call up will drop – ensure that our comms will get through. Be prepared commander and we will see you soon on the battle field.

And remember, wars are not fought alone, and this war is no exception. More quality commanders are always needed, so spread the word and bring others to stand with you – shoulder to shoulder

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