Meet Front-Line and Conduit

Meet Front-Line and Conduit

New intel has arrived revealing the identities of two new warriors ready to join the fight between the Autobots and Decepticons. You’ll be able to recruit these warriors into your own squad and use their weapons and skills against those who dare stand against you.

Autobot Front-Line is a former vigilante ready to dispense his own brand of justice against the forces of Megatron. His powerful minigun can obliterate an enemy’s shield and he can do serious body damage with his duel axes and giant hammer. Check out the video below and discover more about him on his bio page.

Decepticon Conduit is as deadly a killer as he is a skilled healer. This cold hearted gangsta uses his deadly blaster rifle to whittle down an enemy’s shields and health whilst using his healing pistols and shotgun to keep his allies alive and ready to continue the fight. Check out his video below and read more about him on his full bio page.


Keep an eye on Transformers Universe for more warrior intel and be sure to discuss these two warriors on our forum.

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