Meet Meltdown and Duststorm

Meet Meltdown and Duststorm

New intel has surfaced on two new warriors ready to fight in the great war. Soon you will be able to recruit these two warriors in to your squad and lead them into the frontlines, so use this time to understand each bot & choose your allegiance.

Autobot Meltdown is a battle hardened  combat medic, as adept at mending wounds as he is in inflicting them. He can support his allies in the heat of battle, protecting them from harm and bring the pain to the Decepticons in the process. Check out his video below to learn more, or review his full bio in the warrior’s section.

Decepticon Duststorm is a ruthless and precise killing machine. Armed with her sniper rifle she can blast the spark out of an opponent before they even see her. Check out her video below to learn more, or review her full bio in the warrior’s section.

Learn more about each of these warriors on our new dedicated Warriors page. Keep an eye on Transformers Universe for more character reveals and be sure to discuss these two warriors in our forum.

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