The Bungie Januarycast

by DeeJ Jan 16 at ‎11‎:‎24‎:‎10‎ ‎PM

The first Bungie Podcast of 2014 has arrived, and it’s chock full of gory details about your action-packed future in Destiny. A conversation that began last year has finally made its way to a pair of earphones near you. Join us as we talk about the path you’ll follow to become a legend in your community, and ours.

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You can download the Januarycast below. If you prefer iTunes, we’ll update our Twitter feed when it’s available.
This time, we’ve captured two designers in the recording studio, fresh from their moment in the Game Informer spotlight. Tyson Green is making sure that you’ll kick ass, both alien and domestic, in the name of progress. Lars Bakken is creating competitive multiplayer activities in which you’ll take names as you battle fellow Guardians for honor and loot. They’re talking to Urk, Halcylon, and yours truly about the fortune and glory that awaits you in Destiny.