Series: Federation Foundry Reviews:  Ghosts of War Series

Original Link:

By Jean-Luc Nyan Picard

Mission Author: @ncc-89471

Part 1
Upon investigating errors with some satellites, you will find you have stepped into a subtile mystery, and a deadly one at that. What kind of killing could even make Hirogen sick? This first episode, does have a lot of info and reading, but for the story so far, it does sound worth the read. The storyline follows the Reman series and presents an intriguing plot that has taken my interest.

Part 2
Once again, an interesting storyline with lots of twists and turns. There is a lot more to do this time, and you get a chance to talk to the guy behind this scheme…or do you? Just when you think he’s settled down, you find he’s just getting fired up.

Part 3

Part 4
The intensity of the plot is really coming through at this point. The special effects where really cool for the space portion. You have me hooked, I cant wait to see the next episode! 😀

Part 5
That was epic!…if you have been following the story from the start, you will really enjoy this episode. The meeting was a nice touch, the fights where awesome, the ending was unexpected!!

Part 6
The ending was great, I really enjoyed the battle! You havent seen anything until you’ve seen a bunch of cats jump an army! For this grand finally I had to give my toon the Alt Universe TNG outfit, this was going to be a memorable fight so i had to make sure he was dressed for it. =^.^=


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Final Thoughts:
Ok, first off may I just say, “well-played!” I had a lot of fun exploring this authors storyline and surprises. You had a mix of just about everything, action, puzzles, mystery, suspense, horror, and an epic plotline. I wanted to give this a perfect 5 for all categories, but the only reason I didn’t was the lack of a set Star Fleet uniform for the NPC’s. That aside, I think if they where to ever make a mini series or new Star Trek movie, for the new Enterprise F, THIS should be the story for it! Good job!
…..maybe have Dwayne Johnson play the Andorian Captain.

Story Quality: 5/5
Action: 5/5
Creativity: 5/5
Star Trek Themed: 4/5
Rewards: Yes

Many thanks to Adventure Cat (CatStar) for allowing us to mirror his review for the Guild Alliance.

You can catch up with Adventure Cat’s artwork, stories and reviews on his Deviantart page and his videos on YouTube