Series: Federation Foundry Reviews: A Time to Search

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By Jean-Luc Nyan Picard

Mission Author: @lincolninspace

catstar_reviews_18Ok, before I start this review I have to get this out-of-the-way about the box disguise… HAHAHAHAHA!!  Ok, now we can continue.

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My first impression of this was how strange this was, but as I looked around I realised just how creative the environment and NPC’s where, very interesting and imaginative. There are also many things to interact with and assorted info across the maps to find. Watch out for the Salt guys, don’t mess with their game! My over all Impression of this was, it was fun and very interactive…if you have an Enterprise themed toon available, I recommend them for this mission, it felt like I should be using Johnathan Archer…so it still got points for Star Trek Themed. The combat is minimal, but it is story driven, so take the time to enjoy it…and dont forget to pick up your new uniform at DS9!

Story Quality: 3/5
Action: 1/5
Creativity: 5/5
Star Trek Themed: 4/5
Rewards: No

Many thanks to Adventure Cat (CatStar) for allowing us to mirror his review for the Guild Alliance.

You can catch up with Adventure Cat’s artwork, stories and reviews on his Deviantart page and his videos on YouTube