New classified data available

Much was sacrificed to bring this latest reconnaissance to you commander, ensure that you use it wisely. This is your chance to take an early stand, prove to those around you that you’re loyal to your chosen leader.

Visit the downloads section to secure the latest intelligence packet, in it you’ll find two images that have been secured through interception of communication between all sides. One relates to a possible future recruit for the tyrannical Megatron, the other a possible ally for Optimus Prime and his Autobot army.

We have little additional information about these potential recruits for these two great armies, but fear not commander, this is only the early stages in our intelligence gathering. We continue to have our best people focused on securing additional information to share with you all.

All gathered data will be posted to this site in the “Downloads” and “Game Intel” sections, so ensure you continue to check regularly as we publish this data.

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