Leveling Tips

Greetings everyone,

I’ll try to post in here some leveling tips that might help you to level faster. All those apply for all leveling up to level 50. After level 50 is a totaly different thing and I’ll refer to that in another post.

1. Always try to stay few (3-4 at least) levels above the mission levels. In order to do that, do all teh missions and mission bonuses that arrises during your journey. Start doing that with the first planet (Tython or Korriban) and do all the missions, including the 2 heroics.

2. Once on the fleet station, do the first flashpoint (even several times). Their name are “Esseles” or “Black Talon”. Those will give you some planetary commandations to start with and there are some nice drops that will help you complete your outfit with better gear. When you receive pieces of gear that are “adaptative” (orange colored) always keep them. You may use those later too, by simply fit them with level appropriate mods (armour/mod/enhancement). A full set of mods for a piece of armour costs 11 planetary commendations (armour =7 comms, mod = 2 comms, enhamcement=2 comms).

3. Check daily the mission giver terminal in supply section of the fleet station (situated in the sections inner arc, in the middle). This will give you extra daily/weekly missions that means completing one or more flashpoints. This way, each time you will do a flashpoints that have its own rewards, you will also get the additional rewards from the daily/weekly missions that terminal gives. Those rewards means credits, experience points and planetary commendations.

4. Starting with level 20, you may want to also test teh PVP missions. In the inner arc of the combat section of fleet station you will find the pvp mission terminal giver. There are also daily/weekly missions there that will add you rewards to teh curent rewards that pvp games gives to you. The common pvp rewards are: credits, experience points and pvp commendations. There is not much to be done with the pvp comms until level 55, but there are 2 things you should do:

  1. First, make sure you will have 2750 pvp comms when you reach 55, as yo can get some really good implants, earpieces and relics by using them from the pvp vendors (better then anything else you can get when you just reach 55)
  2. You may exchange pvp comms to planetary comms at the vendors near teh terminal, at a rate of 10 pvp comms for 1 planetary comms. The planetary comms you may then use to upgrade your gear.

5. Always stay well geared. For this gather as much orange gear as you can find (personally i dress myself in full orange as soon as i can and then just upgrade teh mods inside it). Dont use gear with mods that is more then 4 levels lower then yoru current level. The order of changing the gear mods is:

  1. First upgrade your main weapon hilt/barrel. This defines your weapon min/max damage. Try to keep it top-notch. Is usualy a good idea to get from time to time (at levels 16, 24, 32, 40 and 44) some purple level hilt/barre
  2. Second upgrade your offhand weapon / shield / generator / focus hilt/barrel/armour. This defines either your secondary weapon damage, in case that the ofhand piece is a weapon or it defines your basic defence/force power or tech power in teh other case
  3. Third upgrade the armour mod for all your modable gear.
  4. Then start adding mods and enhancements on your gear in the same order as i described above (main weapon then offhand then the rest)

6. Be carefull what gear you use. Each class have a particular set of attributes that enhances yoru performance best. And those are:

  1. Sith inquisitor/Jedi consular: Willpower. That means that this class should never use gear with cunning, aim or strengh
  2. Sith warrior/Jedi Knight: strengh. That means that this class should never use gear with willpower, aim or cunning
  3. Imperial agent/smuggler: cunning. Thatg means that this class shoul d never use willpower, strenght or aim.
  4. Bounty hunter/Trooper: aim. That means that this class shoudl never use willpower, strenght or cunning.

7. Also about the mods you shoudl know some facts:

  1. Armour mod always contain 2 stats: endurance and the main stat of your toon’s class. There are 2 types of those mods, one with more endurance and less of the main stat and one with less endurance and more of the main stat. (main stat is the one described at pct 6). If your toon is having a tank role you should use the first type, if your toon is damage or healer role, you should use the last of the types. For instance, for Inquisitors, the main stat is willpower. There are 2 kinds of armours mods: the force one and the resolve one (named Force Armour or Resolve armour). Tanks should use the force one, all the others the resolve one.
  2. Mods mod usualy contains 3 stats: endurance, the main stat of your toon’s class and the secondary stat for the role you play. For the first 2 the same rules as described at 7.a applies. The 3rd stat must be chosen according to your role (tank/dps/heal). I’ll describe the coresponding secondary stats for each role in the next point.
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  4. Enhancement mod contains 2/3 stats. Those also must be chosen according to the role you play, see next point for those.

8. Secondary stats are: power, critical rating, defence rating , shield rating, surge rating, accuracy, absorbtion rating, alacrity. I’ll try to explain them next:

  1. Power: is a stat that influences teh bonus damage stat that adds to teh main damage your weapons does. If you’re DPS or healer role, you probably need alot of this.
  2. Critical rating: is a stat that influences the critical chance overall stat. That means the chance that your hit will be a critical one. As the critical chance is capped around 30%, as dps or healer, normally, you would want to accumulate critical rating first, and then accumulate power as much as you can, once your approach the 30% critical chance.
  3. Defence rating: is a stat that controls the defence chance you have. If you’re a tank, you will want that. Is also capped around 30%.
  4. Surge rating: controls your critical multiplier stat. This controls the amount of damage you add when you hit critical. Is capped around 70%. You will want this if you’re DPS or healer.
  5. Shield rating: Only applies if you’re using a shield as offhand item. It controls the chance for your shield to absorb incoming attacks. Capped around 30%, normally. If you’re a tank, you’ll probably need this.
  6. Absorbtion rating: only applies if you’re using a shield as offhand item. It controls the amount of damage your shield will absorb, if kicks in. Capped around 30%, normally. If you’re a tank, you’ll probably need this.
  7. Accuracy controls the chance that your hit will actualy hit yoru opponent. Is capped around 105%. Acts as counterpart of defence. Everything that is over 100% lowers teh targets defence. If you’re dps you’ll need this to be around 100%, normally.
  8. Alacrity controls teh activation speed of your abilities. Is a usefull stat for range dps, normally.

9. From teh above stats, until level 50, you should focus like this:

  1. If you’re dps/healer: focus on critical rating until you reach critical chance around 25-27%, then focus on power
  2. If you’re dps/healer, also focus on surge rating.
  3. If you’re a tank, focus on shield, until you will reach shield chance and shield absorbtion around 30%, then focus on defence.

10. Last but not least: offhand item. This shoudl also be equiped according to your class/type:

  1. If you’re tank: use shield
  2. If you’re using 2 weapons … obviously use a weapon (for instance marauders, sentinels, gunslingers)
  3. If you’re dps/healer force user, use focus.
  4. If youre dps/healer gun user, use generator.

Well … it would be much more to be said, especialy for fine tunning. But I propose you for us to do like this: if you need help with your configurations, post a new post in here, describing your class/specialisation/skill tree and I’ll try to tell you how to fit the 3rd stats optimally.

If you have questions, also I’ll be happy to try to respond to them.

Best regards,

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