Destiny at Gamescom

by DeeJ Aug 16 at ‎7‎:‎59‎:‎06‎ ‎AM

It’s the largest single gathering of gamers in the world – the ultimate public event. Hundreds of thousands of gamers will descend upon Cologne, Germany in search of their next great adventure. Bungie will be there to make sure they get a guided tour of ours.

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Our press and industry friends had their chance to form their first impressions of Destiny gameplay on the big screen at E3. This time, the audience will be the players. To harness all that raw enthusiasm, we’ll be playing to the largest theater to ever grace the event. Destiny will be explored on a screen three stories high. This experience, after all, is best shared with other people – in this case, hundreds at a time.
Check out who’s leading the away team. Who better to spearhead an invasion but a Fallen Captain? He’ll be on hand (four hands, to be exact) for photo opportunities with brave attendees. We only hope he’s well-behaved for the trans-continental flight.
While we’re making new friends on our European vacation, you’re invited to follow along from home. You won’t need to go to Germany to learn more about Destiny this week. Watch this space. Keep an eye on our social feeds on Twitter and Facebook as we sample the local flavor.
More soon. Stay tuned.