Fleet Summit Times

Please be aware that the summit will take place next week on Saturday 24, November 2012 at the =I.D.I.C- U.F.P. Embassy on New Romulus.

I have tried to accommodate everyone’s time-zone but this of course is never going to be possible. Based on the people who responded with times I have booked in the time mentioned. Im sorry to all our USA members but the times came out in favor of Oceania and European Time-Zones.

I will be willing to do a follow-up summit on the Sunday in your time-zone if requested.

I am also posting the event in the in-game Events Callendar so please check that out.

Summit Preparation

To prepare for the summit you may like to review our fleet rules and supplimental documents:

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This is the direct link to the SUMMIT DISCUSSION THREAD. Please comment, anything you have to say is of value to the future of our fleet and the wider Guild Alliance.

In Addition

If you do not have the -I.D.I.C- official chat channel (you may be a new member) Please contact me or an officer asap so we can help you set that up.


See you all there.

Best regards,
