Fleet Week Event

By PWE_BranFlakes @ August 15, 2012 at 12:00pm

Fleet Week is arriving in Star Trek Online! Starting tomorrow, Thursday, August 16th, around 10am PDT until Thursday, August 23rd, around 10am PDT, players can earn bonus Fleet Marks 24 hours a day!

Along with the normal queued and mission-based content that provides Fleet Marks, players can earn Fleet Marks by running a special daily Foundry mission. Starfleet players ranked Lieutenant 9 and above can contact Commander Selyn, and Klingon players ranked Commander 22 and above can contact Commander Vorbog, by clicking the ‘Available’ tab in the Mission Journal (default key “J”) to accept “Investigate Officer Reports (Daily)”.

The following content also provides bonus Fleet Marks during Fleet Week:

No Win Scenario
Colony Invasion
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Tholian Invasion Missions on Nukara Prime in the Eta Eridani Sector Block
Borg Invasion Missions on Defera in the Orellius Sector Block

We hope you enjoy this special event and we can’t wait to see you all in game!
