European Re-Launch Promotion – IDIC Tribble

To celebrate STO’s re-launch in the EU, Q is back for a special Double XP Bonus Weekend! Also, anyone who logs in during the promotional timeframe will earn a special accolade that will allow them to claim an IDIC Tribble.

This promotion will run from today until Monday, April 2nd, around 10 AM (PDT)/ 6 PM (UTC).

To participate in the Q XP Weekend, visit and speak to Q on Earth Spacedock or Qo’noS. He will give you a buff that will double the amount of Skill Points and Bridge Officer Skill Points your character earns – this buff lasts for four hours (real time, not playing time), and does stack with the XP Boosts that are available in the C-Store. If your Q boost expires, you can visit Q again! Note: Energy Credits and Dilithium earnings are not affected by boosts.

To be eligible to claim the IDIC Tribble (which stands for the Vulcan philosophy of “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”), you must log into STO during the promotional period mentioned above. Upon logging in, your character will be granted an accolade which will allow you to pick up an IDIC Tribble from a Tribble Handler that has taken up residence on Earth Spacedock, outside of Club 47, and Qo’noS,in the Targ pit. Although this Tribble is unique (you can only have one per character at a time), if you discard it, as long as you have the accolade, you will be able to pick up another one from the handler. Note: You’ll want to log-in to each of your characters during the promotional period so they can earn the accolade and claim their own IDIC Tribble.

Depending on which profession your character has, when activated, the IDIC Tribble provides the following buffs to you and your team mates:

  • Tactical:2.5% Damage Increase
  • Engineer:2.5% Damage Resistance
  • Science: +0.02 Health Regen

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In addition to the above buffs, if you have all 3 of the profession-specific ones active on you at the same time, your character will also gain the Full Synergy buff and receive:

  • 2.5% AdditionalDamage Increase
  • 2.5% AdditionalDamage Resistance
  • +0.02 Additional Health Regen

Again, we welcome all of our new and returning European players and hope that everyone enjoys this special promotion!