Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic

Originally Posted December 1st to December 20th 2011


The Siege of Alderaan

Credits Where Credits Are Due

Corellia, The Shipyards

That Slippery Little Hutt of Mine

Cut The Phobium

Voss, The Mystic Garden

Belsavis, the Ancient Prison

Hoth, the Frozen Wastes

The Battle for Coruscant

The Occupation of Balmorra

Doe Azalus Ootmian

In the Escape Pod

Tatooine, the Desert Sands

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Nar Shaddaa, the Playground

Taris, The Plague

Balmorra, The Forge

Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)

Do the Holos Show Up on the Bill?

Coruscant, The CapitalÂ

Dromund Kaas, the Seat of Power

Tython, The Wellspring

Nal Hutta, the Glorious Jewel

Ord Mantell, The Battleground

Average Brown Wookiee

Yesterday’s Jawa

Korriban, The Homeworld

The Mandalorian Blockade