New Veteran Rewards

For those who may have missed this info, here it is again.

With Star Trek Online rapidly approaching its 700th day since it went live, we’re happy to announce the next set of veteran rewards! Without further rambling, here are the details:

700 Days
FREE Android bridge officer (for each character).
FREE Character Slot
An automatic Captain and Officer Skill Point boost of 5% when playing on a team that includes players under level 31 (Captain 1). This stacks with the 400 day veteran reward.

800 Days
FREE Mugatu pet (for each character)
FREE Starship Slot (for each character)

900 Days
FREE exclusive starship “material” that give veteran starships a unique look.
FREE exclusive uniform variant. Separate Federation and KDF uniforms will be available.
FREE Captain Retrain Token (for each character)

1000 Days
FREE exclusive starship variant (for each character). Separate Federation and KDF starships will be available.
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In addition to the above, we are adding something new to the 600 day reward. We removed some free Emblems from the 600 day reward recently because we knew we were removing Emblems from the game economy. We are replacing this part of the award with a free Vice Admiral Starship Token.

This requires a little more explanation for current players on Holodeck. Right now on Holodeck, all characters receive one of these tokens upon achieving level 51, which lets them pick from one of three Vice Admiral starship choices.

When the Tribble build goes live on Holodeck, getting to level 51 will no longer award such a token unless the player’s account has the 600 day veteran reward. If the account gains veteran status later, all characters already at level 51 will gain this award. And to answer a frequently asked question, any character with an unspent token prior to the build going to Holodeck will still be able to spend that token. The tokens are not going away.

There is one other detail on this. Any character which has already achieved level 51 prior to the Tribble build going to Holodeck will not get a second token. Those characters already received a token, so they do not get a second one.

For those of you curious about the other veteran rewards that are available, check out the veteran rewards information page on the Star Trek Online web site.

Stephen D’Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online