-I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail, Supplemental: Warning on F2P Economy

Hello Fleet,

The last week I’ve been examining the F2P build currently on the Tibble server to see how the new economy works. I’ve learned a few things playing on tribble that i would like to share these with the fleet so we can all get the most bang for our buck.

First, the goal of the new economy is to truly make rare and very rare items actually RARE. Unless a new F2P player spends real money or grinds a lot dilithium, he or she will have very few ship or personal items above uncommon. The dilithium economy will be limited so there will only be a finite amount for the players to trade and use. Ships are also now going to cost dilithium (and a lot). The math has not been perfected yet but i believe 14 days of full dilithium grinding will be required to buy a level 5 ship. Lastly, crafting will now also have a dilithium cost.(roughly one full dilithium mission per X lvl ship equipment) To have fancy gear and to own many ships will be a challenge once F2P goes live.

To offset the big change Marks/Medals/Badges and Emblems will be converted to dilithium. However the current transition rates for these seem to only give you roughly half the return that spending your M/M/B/E does now. Unless something changes in the next two weeks, any of these various currencies your accounts have will only be able to buy you half the stuff once the F2P build goes live. So in other words, before December 1st you should:

  • Buy with energy credits any none C-store ship you want because they will be much harder to acquire afterwards.
  • Buy any rare or very rare ship or personal gear you’ve been wanting because they are also going to be much harder to acquire.
  • Energy Credits and Latinum are staying the same so no need to spend those but everything else will be converted and you will have less dilithium then you’d probably like. So BE AWARE.

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Don’t lose out on those beautiful Antiproton weapons(or whatever it is you’ve been wanting) because you don’t buy them before the change over.


-I.D.I.C- (Fed) Fleet Commander


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