STO Release Notes: August 19, 2011


-Klingon players may now craft the Rare Hargh’Peng Torpedo launchers at odd marks.
-Fed players must play the Doomsday machine episode to “obtain” the Hargh’Peng.
-Borg probes have been updated with new art.
-Borg cubes will now a have a slightly larger shield ring.
-Resolved the issue of non-square Borg ships receiving square shields.
-The KDF now has a new window option on all Klingon ship models. (This means the Orion, Nausicaan, and Gorn ships do not get these window options at this time.)
-The phaser and disruptor cannon effects have been slightly updated.
-Improved Oberth console power gains from 25 to 33.
-Resolved the overlap of ships and the stats in the ship UI.
-Created unique icons for all unique particle traces.
-The white flash that appears on the hull of Borg ships when they explode has been removed.
-The Cryptic Point icon has been updated.
-Some Optimization and Stability Updates.

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Female Walk:
-Small glitch fixes to new female unarmed sprints.
-New female unarmed sprints – They look more feminine.
-Arm swings are slightly more subtle.
-Female eyes no longer sink in during walk (or other animations).
-A dance emote will only play one cycle while the player is sitting in a chair.
-This will prevent players getting stuck when they use a dance emote while sitting.
-Updates to the bite emote so the character will keep their weapon in hand while biting.
-Added a little more motion to the assault idle.

The Foundry:

-The issue that required the Foundry to be shut down has been resolved. The Foundry is available again for search and edit.
-Updated the Fek’ihri Kamikaze Fighter AI so that it will fight even when it does not have a direct owner. (This only effects those that spawn in the foundry).

Known Issue:

-There is a chance that teams could be split up upon map transfer during foundry missions. The Foundry team is hard at work to resolve this issue.