Series: Federation Foundry Reviews:  The Sky Above, The Clouds Below

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By Jean-Luc Nyan Picard

Mission Author: @malize

catstar_reviews_12While dealing with your everyday Klingon encounter, we are given more of a story of those often unseen during a mission. The one the author conveys is reminiscent of the Peril Galileo faced. The story and dialogue is put out there well and does exactly as the author intends, I recommend you take time to read the story, its plays out nicely and would be a good RP mission for TOS fans.

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“Odd pluck”  lol.

Story Quality: 4/5
Action: 3/5
Creativity: 5/5
Star Trek Themed: 5/5
Rewards: Yes

Many thanks to Adventure Cat (CatStar) for allowing us to mirror his review for the Guild Alliance.

You can catch up with Adventure Cat’s artwork, stories and reviews on his Deviantart page and his videos on YouTube